International projectionist (Jan 1963-June 1965)

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Century Introduces Acoustic Compensator NEW YORK— Century Projector Corp. has introduced what is said to be an entirely new device to provide motion picture theatres with a fast and accurate means of adjusting the frequency characteristics of multiple channel theatre sound systems for the best possible sound reproduction. The device, called by its manufacturer the Century Acoustic Compensator, is engineered and designed as a fully contained, compact unit, has no insertion loss, nor does it re PROJECTIONISTS WANTED! National Sound Service Co. will interview competent IATSE personnel for position as Field Service Men in theatrical and industrial field. Send letter to: Box 410, International Projectionist, 545 5th Ave., New York 17, N. Y. quire changes in system gain or amplification, the company states. It can be added to practically any multi-channel sound system. Century states in its supplied technical information that 1) the input is a bridging type having an impedance of about 100,000 ohms (IK). It will therefore, connect to most pre-amplifier outputs. 2) The output is high impedance and will connect to the input of power amplifiers having input impedances of 1000 ohms or higher. The output will simulate the output of the average pre-amplifier. 3) it can be used at a remote distance ( in the auditorium) by using shielded cables for the connections. IP JOHN STRADCUTTER DIES MINNEAPOLIS— John Stradcutter, 54. projectionist at the Belle Plaine. Minn., theatre, was killed by an automobile on Highway 169 near Le Sueur. Minn. Investigation showed that Stradcutter walked into the side of a car driven by a Chaska. Minn., man. iP n WHY WASTE CARBONS? Use The "Master Saver Device Reduce your projection carbon cost by adopting the MASTER CARBON SAVER (designed by a pioneer IATSE projectionist.) The only simple and accurate saver on the market with no springs, screws, nuts and bolts and requires no carbon grinding. Each carbon held by "Precision Taper" after stub is easily tapped into saver. There is a "MASTER" saver for every type of Suprex non-rotating or rotating arc lamp. Now being used by hundreds of theatres on STRONG, ASHCRAFT, PEERLESS, etc.; sizes 6-7-8-9-10-llmm, $3.50 each; 13.6mm, $4.50 each. SOLD BY YOUR LOCAL SUPPLY DEALER Manufactured by MASTER SPECIALTY PRODUCTS 200 West 72nd St., New York 23, N. Y. INTERNATIONAL PROJECTIONIST Post Office Box 6174 Minneapolis 24, Minnesota D 1 year (12) issues — $3.00 n 2 years (24) issues — $5.00 FOREIGN: Add $1.00 per year Enter my subscription for Name Address City Zone State 14 ACTS OF MARCH 3, 1933, JULY 2, 1946 MENT, AND CIRCULATION OF STATEMENT REQUIRED BY THE ACT OF AUGUST 24, 1912, AS AMENDED BY THE AND JUNE 11, 1960 (74 STAT. 208) SHOWING THE OWNERSHIP. MANAGE INTERNATIONAL PROJECTIONIST Published monthly at Main Postoffice. Min neapo'is, Minnesota for November, 1963. 1 . The names and addresses of the publisher, editor, managing editor, and business managers are: Publisher, frank W. Cooley. Jr., Minneapolis, Minn. Editor Frank W. Cooley, Jr., Minneapolis, Minn. Managing editor, Ray Gallo, New York, N. Y. Business manager, None. 2. The owner is: (If owned by a corporation, its name and address must be stated and also immediately thereunder the names and addresses of stockholders owning or holding 1% or more of total amount of stock If not owned by a corporation, the names and addresses of the individual owners must be given. If owned by a partnership or other unincorporated firm, its name and address, as well as that of each individual member, must be given.) Northern Publishing Co., Minneapolis, Minn. Frank W. Cooley, Jr., Minneapolis, Minn. Rita Cooley, Minneapolis, Minn. 3. The known bondholders, mortqaaees, and other security holders owning or holding 1 % or more of total amount of bonds, mortgages, or other securities are: (If there are none, so state.) None. 4. Paragraphs 2 and 3 include, in cases where the stockholder or security holder appears upon the books of the company as trustee or in any other fiduciary relation, the name of the person or corporation for whom such trustee is actina: also the statements in the two paragraphs show the affiant's full knowledge and belief as to the circumstances and conditions under which stockholders and security holders do not appear upon the books of the company as trustees, hold stock and securities in o capacity other than that of a bona fide owner. 5. The average number of copies of each issue of this publication sold or distributed, throuqh the mails or otherwise, to paid subscribers durina the 12 months precedinq the date shown above was: (This information is reauired by the act of June 11. 1960 to be included in all statements regardless of frequency of issue.) 5,925. F. W. COOLEY, JR. Sworn to and subscribed before me this 8th dny nf OctobP' 1°*-' THEODORE GLAROS Notary Public, Hennepin County. Minn. My Commission Expires Sept. 23, 1969. International Projectionist November, 1963