International projectionist (Jan 1963-June 1965)

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Three Execs Appointed In Kodak Ad Dept. Appointments for three Eastman Kodak advertising executives have been announced by A. Dexter Johnson, director of advertising and an assistant vice-president of the company. Robert W. Brown has been appointed manager of advertising services. He will be responsible for Kodak's editorial service bureau, the photo services and the photographic illustrations divisions, advertising production and scheduling and, in addition, will supervise advertising budgeting, research, personnel, and media co-ordination. Leo W. Young has been appointed manager of consumer advertising. His responsibility will be concerned with the advertising of still and movie equipment, amateur film, and other photographic products and services in the consumer area. Robert W. Edwards has been appointed manager of professional and industrial advertising. He will be concerned with the supervision of advertising in professional, industrial, commercial, and scientific areas and with the advertising of other Kodak products for specialized markets. iP J. R. Stiftel Named SMPTE Staff Engineer Joseph R. Stiftel has been appointed as assistant staff engineer for the Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers ( SMPTE ) . In this new position, Mr. Stiftel will be primarily responsible for augmented quality-control procedures in the SMPTE test-film program, and will assist in the development of new test films. His appointment was announced June 2 in New York. For three years until his appointment to the SMPTE headquarters staff, Mr. Stiftel was employed in the Thin Film Solid State Electronics Program at General Telephone and Electronic Laboratories in Bayside, N. Y. At General Telephone he was directly involved in the research and development of a solid-state television display panel. Mr. Stiftel, before joining General Telephone, was in the systems engineering department of Mergenthaler Linotype Co., where he assisted in research on a photocomposition system and an infrared electrooptical scanning system. His educational background includes work at the University of Denver, Syracuse University, the State University of New York and the Air 16 Force Photographic and Electronics School. Mr. Stifel holds a New York State vocational teachers license for profesisonal 35mm motion-picture projection. iP S.O.S. Home Office In Midtown Manhattan Alan C. Macauley, President of S.O.S. Photo-Cine-Optics, Inc., New York City, has announced moving the home office to a larger, more convenient location at 387 Park Avenue South in Mid-town Manhattan, two blocks from Fifth Ave., and minutes from Times Square, Grand Central, Eastside Airlines Terminal and Penn Station. The new headquarters has over 18.000 square feet on one floor with the newest most modern Display Room in the industry, and completely separate warehousing facilities under the same roof. The 38-year-old company with its newly expanded operation, is the largest professional motion picture equipment organization, with coast to coast offices, devoted entirely to sales and service. According to Macauley, the move was scheduled to be completed June 30. iP Radiant's Screen Surface Used in New Process Preview Production, Inc., of Van Nuys, California, selected Radiant Mfg. Corp's new silica-textured screen fabric, "Micro-Fleet" as the projection screen material to be used in demonstrating their new type optical process called "Cine-Depth". Micro-Fleet is created by "DeepBonding" the smallest, optically pure glass beads ever used on a screen surface, to a specially prepared double-coated plastic base. This assures brightness at all viewing angles and makees the viewing of color movies and slides a fresh, stimulating and delightful experience. Among the advantages of MicroFleet is its resistance to fungus and flame. Micro-Fleet is being used in Radiant's new 1964 line now available the Radiant PictureMaster. FilmMaster and the two-second opening "AutoMaster". iP EPRAD Elects Elmer Wilschke Vice President Elmer O. Wilschke, who joined EPRAD, Inc.. September, 1963, has been elected vice president of the Toledo, Ohio manufacturing firm, according to Al Boudouris, president of EPRAD, Inc. In addition to his duties as vice president, Wilschke will continue in his capacity as general manager. Boudouris credited Wilschke as playing a significant role in the development of EPRAD's CARCHEK Electronic Boxoffice Cash Control System for use by the Theatre Industry. Wilschke, one of the original E. R.P.I, engineers, served in various capacities in this country and abroad until the formation of Altec Service Corporation, at which time he was Eastern Division Manager. During the war, he was plant manager of Altec-Lansing Company and after the war served as general operating manager for Altec Service Company. iP Strong Equipment Is Widely Used at Fair Visitors to the World's Fair can see Strong Electric Corporation products used in every section of the fair, the U. S. Government, industrial, foreign, state, amusement and transportation areas. Many of the larger exhibits are employing Strong carbon arc follow spotlights, incadescent follow spotlights, carbon arc projection lamps, Xenon projection lamps for automated programming, and rectifiers for the projection of film presentations or lighting of live stage, water and ice shows. They include the U. S. Federal Government. IBM, United Air Lines, Dupont, the Hall of Science, Better Living exhibit. Spanish Pavilion, the Texas Pavilion, and amphitheatre using a total of 57 equipments. iP Supplemental Lens Now Available for Omnitar The new Birns & Sawyer Telebar supplemental lens is designed to enhance the capability and versatility of the famous Omnitar telephoto lens family by extending the effective focal length of Omnitar lenses ranging from 300mm through 1000mm by 70%. For example, the regular 500mm Omnitar telephoto lens increases its effective focal length to 850mm when used with the Telebar supplemental lens. The regular 1000mm Omnitar is increased to 1700mm when used with the Telebar. The Telebar. a fluoride-coated, two-element Achromat lens, provides an extremely sharp image. One end of the Telebar housing is threaded to fit the existing adapter locking ring provided with the Omnitar telephoto lens. A rear locking ring located on the housing secures the lens assembly to the adapter. iP International Projectionist June, 1964