International projectionist (Nov-Dec 1933)

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INTERNATIONAL PROJECTIONIST November 1933 A Complete Service to A Great Industry The FILM YEAR BOOK The encyclopedia of the motion picture industry. The Short Subject Quarterly The industry's guide to the short subject field. The FILM DAILY The newspaper of filmdom. News when it's news. The Film Daily Since 1918 The Film Daily has been serving the motion picture industry and is recognized as a leader in the field. Exhibitors the world over read the FILM DAILY for news and reviews of features and short subjects to help them in the conduct of their business. The news in the FILM DAILY is presented briefly and accurately. In these days when time is a prime factor exhibitors doubly appreciate the presentation of news in a brief snappy manner. Film Daily reviews have been recognized for years as authoritative and indispensable to thousands of exhibitors. The Film Year Book This volume published by THE FILM DAILY and given free with a year's subscription to the paper is the last word in valuable volumes of information. For the past fifteen years this book has been a part of The Film Daily Service. Each year it grows in size and importance to the industry. It contains everything anyone might wish to know about the motion picture industry. More than one thousand pages beautifully bound, containing a wealth of valuable information. Personnel of companies, produtions of the year with full credits, a complete list of theatres, the work of directors, players and their work, cameramen and their work, the works of authors, dialogues, scenario writers, a complete SHOWMAN'S GUIDE, (with hundreds of practical showman ideas for putting over pictures). A buying guide, a survey of the foreign field, important legal decisions and 1001 other important items of interest. The Short Subject Quarterly Here is another important edition of the Film Daily. Four times a year every subscriber receives a copy of this interesting issue. It is a complete survey of the Short Subject field. Reviews of short subjects— ideas for selling shorts to the public — suggested programs — product announcements, and many other interesting valuable bits of information about short subjects that will help any exhibitor in the booking of short subjects for his theater. Exhibitors who have been subscribers to the Film Daily for the past fifteen years appreciate the value of this service, and consider their annual ten dollar investment one that has netted them real dividends during these years. Every exhibitor owes it to himself to become a regular subscriber to The Film Daily Service. The Film Daily Service ($IO.OO Per Year) INCLUDES THE FILM DAILY SIX DAYS EACH WEEK THE FILM YEAR BOOK PUBLISHED ANNUALLY 1934 EDITION NOW IN PREPARATION SHORT SUBJECT QUARTERLY PUBLISHED FOUR TIMES A YEAR SPECIAL EDITIONS AT LEAST ONE SPECIAL EDITION EACH YEAR THE FILM DAILY 1650 Broadway New York City Gentlemen: Please enter my subscription to the FILM DAILY, and The Film Daily Service. I enclose $10.00 (foreign $15.00). Name Street City State