International projectionist (Nov-Dec 1933)

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December 1933 INTERNATIONAL PROJECTIONIST 29 GET THE RIGHT SLANT— id t<* eo? ri& >oA ^ o^ eC' o*° ^ o< rO>> c<**** ^tVve tte? rVvt^ _^,ft» to*r ip*^ b^ ** e^ ********* ^ ^ o* aP oi« o°< \ftf iflfc KP ^ &* ce . u\e **" wo^e Vog? \c* ,o^T Glad to have your order for a box of thumbtacks or a complete equipment. NATIONAL THEATRE SUPPLY COMPANY From Coast to Coast mately three times the vacuum value. This increase is due to ionization of the argon by the photoelectrons emitted from the cathode. A three-fold amplification of the cathode sensitivity is thus obtained ty gas ionization. If the anode potential is increased to approximately 150 volts, the anode current will vary in a discontinuous manner and will no longer be directly proportional to the intensity of the light. It is necessary to operate the cell with anode potentials well below this unstable condition, and ninety volts is the value usually chosen. SOME UNOCCUPIED MOTION PICTURE FIELDS William H. Short DIRECTOR, MOTION PICTURE RESEARCH COUNCIL The A. S. C. Asks Direct A. F. L. Charter The American Society of Cinematographers, heretofore advertised as a strictly technical and educational organization of cameramen, much like the American Projection Society in its field, has applied to the A. F. of L. for a direct charter, over the head of Local 659, I.A.T.S.E. unit. No formal statement of position has been issued by the I.A.T.S.E. as yet. For several years now these two West Coast organizations have been at loggerheads, although many members of Local 659 are identified with the A.S.C. It was noted that several members of the latter organization were "drafted" for appearances at the Washington code hearings in support of the producers' stand against certain demands of Local 659, particularly with reference to the replacement of first cameramen and the general splitting up of work. Foreword: When the accompanying paper was originally presented as a paper before the S.M.P.E. it aroused widespread critical comment within the industry, the bulk of which was distinctly unfavorable. Additional significance has been lent to this paper by the recent appointment to the Code Authority of President Lawrence A. Lowell of Harvard University, who is also chairman of the Motion Picture Research Council, sponsors of the work reviewed in the accompanying article — Editor. THE Motion Picture Research Council is a body of more than three hundred men and women, widely distributed geographically, and somewhat equally divided between the three allied groups of social workers, social scientists, and socially minded lay men and women. Miss Jane Addams of Hull House (Chicago, 111.) is dean of our social workers group. The Chairman of the Council is Dr. John Grier Hibben, President Emeritus of Princeton University.f The purpose of the Council, organized five and a half years ago, has from the first been definitely and positively constructive, and friendly to the motion picture art. All were convinced at the tSince deceased, and succeeded by Pres. A. Lawrence Lowell of Harvard University. beginning both that the motion picture is here to stay and that it is potentially a tremendous boon to the human race. For these reasons, the social workers felt the need, as an equipment for dealing with motion picture problems, for a broad fund of scientifically obtained information regarding the potentialities and actualities of motion pictures, es Preparations are reported under way on the West Coast to revive interest in the double-reel standard sponsored last year by the Academy. Unquestionably we should have had this question up for determination before now were it not for the fact that the Academy ran into some very stormy weather on its own. In any event, we repeat our previous warning: 1700-foot reels are not double reels and will not serve to stop the practice of doubling. If this tentative standard footage is to be increased, serious consideration must be given to the safety factors involved. And by "safety" we mean protection for everybody — projectionists as well as audiences. Long Life — just one of the 6 advantages of the new DUO VAC 205-D tube, with the new carbon anode. Try a set today.— Adv.