International projectionist (Nov-Dec 1933)

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30 INTERNATIONAL PROJECTIONIST December 1933 SUPER INTENSITY AUTOMATIC PROJECTION LAMP H. C. 10 Super Intensity Lamp The Lamp With Accurate Arc Regulation and Arc Focusing by Means of the Heat From the Arc Itself H. C. 10 Features: • Self-Starting • Self-Focusing • Independent Negative Feed Regulation • Magnetic Stabilization • Better Arc • Self-Lubricating Bearings • Standard Ammeter • Carbon Indicator • Forced Air Cooling • Correctly Shaped Hood • No Feed Rollers • Full 22-inch Trim Descriptive booklet on request. Write for it to HALL & CONNOLLY, Inc. 24 Vandam St. New York, N. Y. pecially in relation to childhood and youth. Miss Addams said that she had been serving on motion picture committees for a generation, and that little or no progress had been made just because such knowledge was not available. The social science group was impressed with the fact that in the motion picture art we have a new and major tool of civilization for the social use and guidance of which their fraternity has an especial responsibility. Dr. Mitchell early gave expression to this conviction in the following words: Motion Pictures are one of the most powerful influences in the "making of mind" at the present time. They affect great masses of people, and they affect those masses during the impressionable years of childhood and youth. The industry has developed on a strictly commercial basis into one of our most conspicuous branches of business, demonstrating that moving pictures meet an intensely felt interest. So far the only social guidance which has been exercised has been of the negative sort — a censorship designed to remove objectionable features. Constructive guidance has been notably slight. Obviously the moving pictures are doing things to our thoughts and feelings. It is high time we discovered what those things really are. There is no problem that could be of greater concern to those who are interested in the quality of our future citizens. The lay group of the Council shares both the scientific and the citizenship interests of the other two groups. Together they present a united front of interest and desire to serve in the devel TEXAS INITIATIVE C. K. Peters, Jr., secretary of LA. Local Union 548, in Paris, Texas, has been named secretary-treasurer of his local Better Business Club, an organization formed to promote the business interests of Paris. . . . Seems like not a bad way to gain a bit more favor for one's organization. R. C. A. SALES CONVENTION RCA Victor Photophone sales representatives from coast-to-coast gathered at the Camden headquarters of the company for a two-day sales convention, beginning December 19. E. 0. Heyl, Manager of the Photophone Division, opened the sessions with an address, followed by round table discussions, and other addresses. The whole party entrained for New York after the meetings to visit the new NBC studios and the two Radio City theatres where they inspected the elaborate Photophone High Fidelity sound systems installed at these de-luxers. The growing enthusiasm among exhibitors relative to the RCA sales policy was reported to the gathering.