International projectionist (Jan-Dec 1936)

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January 1936 INTERNATIONAL PROJECTIONIST ■ NATIONAL . PROJECTOR CARBON The National Projector Carbon Handbook is a practical treatise on the carbon arc as applied to projection. It is prepared for the purpose of giving the projectionist the information needed to secure efficient operation, freedom from trouble, and maximum intensity and quality of screen illumination from projection lamp equipment. THIRD EDITION 112 Pages 73 Illus 73 Illustrations Now Ready for Distribution FREE TO EVERY PROJECTIONIST This is a book every projectionist will want to own. SEND FOR YOUR COPY TODAY Use the Coupon at the bottom of this page. The third edition of this popular Handbook is a revision and enlargement of previous editions. Chapters have been added on the new Suprex and A.C. High Intensity Arcs. The basic principles of the carbon arc are discussed in detail and instructions are given for correct arc operation in every type of projection lamp. NATIONAL CARBON COMPANY, INC. Carbon Sales Division, Cleveland, Ohio Unit of Union Carbide |I|M and Carbon Corporation Branch Safes Offices: New York, Pittsburgh, Chicago/ San Francisco NATIONAL CARBON COMPANY, INC. Post Office Box 6087 Cleveland, Ohio Gentlemen : Please send me complimentary copy of the New Handbook on National Projector Carbons. Name. Title Theatre Mail to. City Street .State IP