International projectionist (Jan-Dec 1936)

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16 INTERNATIONAL PROJECTIONIST August 1936 REASONS WHY YOU SHOULD OWN A C-A-M-E-R-O-N BOOK Hundreds of projectionists have told us that the Cameron books have helped increase their earning capacity. Several men now holding posts as chief projectionists have very frankly said that the Cameron books not only helped them secure the job but also helped them hold it. What the Cameron books did for these men — they can do for YOU. MAKE US PROVE IT! LET US SEND YOU AT OUR RISK A copy of the newly published 6th edition of Motion Picture Projection, the book that has been used by projectionists all over the world for more than 20 years and is the standard work on the subject. On arrival, you look the book over. Unless you are satisfied that the book will increase your earning capacity, you do not have to keep it. Ship it back to us — we'll return your money. That's the honest, straightforward way the Cameron booksl have been sold to projectionists for the past 15 years. SOLD ON A MONEY-BACK GUARANTEE Harry Rubin, Director of Projection, Paramount Theaters, New York. M. D. O'Brien, Asst. Chief of Projection, Loew's Theaters, New York. Thad Barrows, President, Local 182, (Metropolitan Theater) Boston, Mass. Chas. Dentlebeck, Chief of Projection, Famous Players Theaters, Toronto, Can. Walter Green, President, National Theater Supply Co. Victor Weinman, Sec'y? Local 160, Cleveland, Ohio. Frank Sutton, Chief Projectionist, Norfolk, Va. *"^^""^"^"^"*"''^^^— ^^^^^ A. Chamberlain, United Artists Studio, Hollywood, Cal. Jim Finn, Editor and Publisher, International These men — men yon Projectionist. know all say that the Frank Coogler, Sec'y, Local 279, Houston, Texas. Cameron books are the T _, ,, , T , „»„ _T rt . T Jere W. Murphy, Local 293, New Orleans, La. J^£ gi^ J^ Jij books for Henry J. Schmieder, Local 203, Easton, Pa. protectionists. K ™' Hazelwood> Sec'y, Local 159, Portland, Ore. Chas. F. Wheeler, Sec'y* Local 108, Geneva, N. Y. LOOK FOR THE NAME CAMERON ON THE BOOK YOU BUY SIGN AND MAIL NOW You risk nothing to look the book over. Cameron Publishing Co., Woodmont, Conn. Gentlemen: Here is my $5.00; send me a copy of 6th edition of MOTION PICTURE PROJECTION. If on arrival I am not satisfied, I will return the book and you are to return my money. I agree to return the book promptly on its arrival, in good condition and prepaid. Name Address CAMERON PUBLISHING CO., WOODMONT, CONN., U. S. A