International projectionist (Jan-Dec 1936)

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SOUND'S BAD? MAYBE IT'S A WORNOUT CELL Remember— VISITRON cells carry a one-year guarantee and have often been known to last as long as 5 years. Photocell weakness can seriously affect the quality of your sound output and thus put you "on the spot" with the management. When sound trouble transpires, one of the first simple things to do is CHECK YOUR PHOTO CELLS. It may be the weakness of a wornout cell that is causing all the trouble. In such cases, it is an easy matter to slip in a new VISITRON cell (provided you have a spare one on hand) and presto^you've solved the problem. Play safe. Always specify VISITRONS for cell replacement. Be prepared. Keep on hand at all times one or more spare cells for quick use if and when trouble develops. You'll never be disappointed by VISITRONS. You know that if you've ever used them. G-M LABORATORIES JNC 1735 Belmont Ave., CHICAGO, ILL. ISITRON Sold and serviced by most reliable theatre supply dealers — everywhere. Order them BY NAME. Avoid substitutes. PIONEER AND STILL THE PEER OF ALL PHOTO CELLS