International projectionist (Jan-Dec 1936)

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December 1936 INTERNATIONAL PROJECTIONIST OF MOTIOGRAPH S ADAPTABILITY TO SOUND Quiet Please . . . from here on out there can be no room for argument! Motiograph Models "F" — "H" — "H-U" and the new "K" have been pronounced completely compatible, absolutely adaptable, entirely convertible to any sound equipment. SOUND experts have acclaimed Motiograph for its flutterless, faultless production of sound. Don't let prejudice or erroneous information keep you from selecting the world's outstanding projector for your house . . . Get all the facts from their source . . . Consult the Motiograph distributor in your community — or write us direct. MOTIOGRAPH, INC. 4431 W. LAKE STREET, CHICAGO, ILLINOIS THE WORLD'S FINEST PROJECTOR DESIGNED FOR ALL STANDARD SOUND EQUIPMENT MOTIOGRAPH DISTRIBUTORS SPAN THE NATION