International projectionist (Jan-Dec 1936)

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10 INTERNATIONAL PROJECTIONIST December 1936 Two famous names joined . . . giving Warner patrons RCA High Fidelity Sound! RCA Photopbone, the only motion picture sound apparatus offering the Rotary Stabilizer in every unit, is chosen for all Warner Brothers Theatres in Chicago! THE sensational swing to RCA Photophone continues! And the newest member of this big parade is the pioneer of motion picture sound — Warner Brothers. The entire group of Warner Brothers houses in the large Chicago area is now included in the rapidly increasing number of motion picture exhibitors to select this superior equipment. Offering progressive theatre owners 7 great proofs of its superiority, RCA Photophone is available at very moderate cost to houses of every size. It stands alone as a big profit builder. Let it build box office profits for YOU! RCApresents Metropolitan Opera beginningThurs. Dec. 24 and Sat. afternoons thereafter. Also "The Magic Key of RCA" Sundays 2 to 3 P. M., E. S. T. Both via NBC Blue Network. «WKT SOUND «PRo0uc. *<* CH1UMR JPMWRSI ru Huipment in all ,v New RCA r „ ,P oducno° the first si*.air d-Theseare ««t speakers to evpn j, j ^bute all higher fr?7^" ^roueho.^ t fre<Juencies "gnout a theatre Tu hav* greater power. Y a«<* provide nlT "^^ Jow«tto highest t£I r°m ies-oombtrs;^re^e