International projectionist (Jan-Dec 1945)

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IN THE SPOTLIGHT (Continued from page 17) vote; and the anti-labor movement of the CAA received another serious blow. Speaker Harris denounced the sponsor of the bill. Rep. Lovett. and stated that the Georgia legislature "was too enlightened to persecute organized labor." We have been reliably informed that this labor-baiting organization is now busily engaged in laying the groundwork for its anti-union activities in South Dakota, a state where organized labor is none too strong. A report on the success of this "mission" will appear in a future issue. # An aside to George Murphy, secretary of Local No. 91, Boise, Idaho. Glad you saw our point. The following item appearing in a trade publication further strengthens our argument against armytrained projectionists: "Before being turned out as a projectionist by the Canadian Army trade school, S/Sgt. Owen Gertridge. of Wolfeville. drove a truck." Our $64 question is — will Sgt. Gertridge go back to driving a truck when he returns to civilian life, or will he be another army-trained projectionist trying to compete with men who have devoted years of hard work trying to maintain high projection standards? # Local No. 110, Chicago, reports the death of three members within one week, namely, Edward "Corkey" Smith, Fred M. George and Edward LeRoy. Our condolences to their survivors. TBA ISSUES DATA ON FIRST ANNUAL CONFERENCE The Television Broadcasters Association, Inc., has issued a bound volume on the proceedings of its first annual conference held in New York on Dec. 11 and 12, 1944. Copies are. available at $2 each, and may be had by addressing the association at Suite 1038, 500 Fifth Avenue, New York 18, N. Y. J. R. Poppele, president of the group, in a foreword, states that "in presenting these proceedings to the television industry we believe we are performing a real public service. The facts contained herein give a comprehensive picture of television today and its role in the post-war world tomorrow." MODE ART PICTURES INSTALLS RCA EQUIPMENT Mode Art Pictures, Inc., Pittsburgh, has installed a three-channel RCA scoring and re-recording system. Mode Art, whose entire output is now under contract to various government agencies, during peacetime produces industrial films and trailers. It is stated that the Pittsburgh studios had been making films without sound and having the sound dubbed in later in New York. The RCA installation will expedite production of government film, it was pointed out, and also improve Mode Art's facilities for the industrial film and trailer production which it will resume when its facilities are no longer required by the government. ...For Top-Flight Performance— In realism of image and naturalness of sound these trouble-free, streamlined aces of the projection booth exceed the demands of the most critical audiences. They are built to standards far in excess of those generally accepted for motion picture sound equipment . . . Priced to enable ANY theater to afford NEW equipment . . . DeVRY knowhow engineering, teamed with DeVRY precision methods in parts production and assembly, assures theater projection that is flicker-free, shadowless and steady as a searchlight . . . Top-flight performance for either black-and-white newsreel or technicolor feature . . . Your DeVRY includes a synchronized built-in Sound-Head. DeVRY has the world's most complete peacetime line of motion picture sound equipment. Also HI-Fidelity Theater Amplifiers and Multi-Cellular Speakers. Before you buy, mail coupon to DeVRY . . . 4 Time Winner DeVRY alone has been awarded four consecutive Army-Nary E's for Excellence in the production of Motion Picture Sound Equip Name . DeVRY CORPORATION, Dept. IPJ-B4 1111 Armitage Ave., Chicago 14, Illinois Please send details about the NEW DeVRY 35mm Theater Projectors . . .Amplifiers and Speaker Systems. . Stale . Theater Capacity. CLAYTON BALL-BEARING EVEN TENSION TAKE-UPS For all projectors and sound equipments All take-ups wind film on 2, 4 and 5 inch hub reels. Silent Chain Drives THE CLAYTON REWINDER For perfect rewinding on 2000-foot reels. CLAYTON PRODUCTS CO. 31-45 Tibbetr Avenue New York, N. Y. APRIL 1945 25