International projectionist (Jan-Dec 1946)

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Smith & <Beidler Theatres EASTWOOD. WESTWOOD. PARK. EAST AUDITORIUM AND ROYAL 519 MAIN STREET J.ELePHONE TAYLOR 6IS / PANTHEON AND PALACE TOLEDO, 5 OHIO September 11, 1946 Strong Electric Corporation 87 City Park Avenue Toledo 2, Ohio Gentlemen: It is with particular satisfaction that we have just installed a pair of your new Strong projection arc lamps in our East Auditorium Theatre during the time that you are celebrating the production of lamp number 25,000, because one of these new lamps is number 25,000. In 1925 we purchased the first pair of Strong lamps made. They were installed in our East Auditorium Theatre, where they have continued giving the complete satisfaction which you promised at that time. Harry Strong told us then that no one could produce lamps that could compare with his, and he was right. Consequently, since that time we have never used any but Strong lamps and rectifiers in any of our theatres. In fact, whenever we took over a theatre with other equipment we immediately replaced it with Strong product. We congratulate you on the celebration of the production of lamp number 25,000 and wish you continued success in your endeavors. Yours very truly, SMITH & BEIDLER MG3:RMF -«-» INTERNATIONAL PROJECTIONIST • December 1946