International projectionist (Jan-Dec 1946)

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tends through a shit in the barrel casting to engage the threaded shaft of the lock control. This pad, or clamp, has a slight taper on the surfaces which contact the guide slot in the barrel, and therefore, as it is drawn forward by the lock control, moves inward to clamp the lens rigidly in place. It cannot throw the lens out of alignment with the barrel, since it is the third member of a three-point support system where the alignment is determined by the other two fixed members. There is an adjustable stop for longitudinal positioning of the lens within the barrel, and an extractor unit for shorter lenses. Lenses thus may be easily removed and replaced without disturbing the focus setting. Lighting, Wiring, Changeover The AA projector is provided with two auxiliary interior lights: a lamp for general interior illumination with an on-off toggle switch at the lower edge of the housing, the flat contour of which mounts a glass shield to protect the lamp and as an extra safeguard in the event of accidental lamp breakage. The second light is within the shutter enclosure below the secondary framing aperture, which is slightly above and to the rear of the upper guide rollers. The framing aperture has a glass shield to prevent the entrance of dirt and is equipped with two registry pins. The linear relationship between these pins, the secondary aperture, and the actual picture aperture is such that when the film is on the pins and is properly framed in the secondary aperture, it is likewise correctly framed at the picture aperture. There is thus no need to engage in awkward contortions to see the picture aperture during film threading, and framing can be checked at any time prior to starting the machine merely by bending the upper film loop back over the framing aperture. Both lights are controlled by the toggle switch previously mentioned. They are normally equipped with 115-volt lamps, but the sockets also accommodate certain low-voltage lamps where local regulations prohibit the use of standard voltage lamps within the projector. The changeover device is of generally standard construction, although the special model for the AA projector1 includes thermostatic protection for the operating coils and makes use of the projector's internal changeover wiring as well as its built-in changeover shutter, which operates in an extra set of guides before the automatic fire shutter in the light path. The Motiograph AA, while presenting many entirely new features, is nevertheless designed so that it affords complete interchangeability with older equipments. The base layout, the drivepoint location, speed and direction oi ^ rotation, and the magazine mounting facilities are similar to those of other currently available machines. It ma) therefore I" used with any modern sound reproducer anil with any make ol uper magazine withoul changing lli' ■ *■ istenl projector drive and withoul using mechanism mounting plates or special adapters of any kind. 1 Motiograph projectors are now with Strong 'Zipper' changeovers. factory -equipped A New F OH EST Development lUCTMNi? CONTROL PROJECTION /fcc LAMP A new and highly acclaimed development — ELECTRONIC CONTROL makes present mechanical systems of feeding the positive and negative carbons in projection arc lamps old-fashioned and obsolete; assures faultless arc control of precision accuracy, maintaining the proper focal point necessary for producing maximum light intensity without the necessity of constant watching and adjusting. Eliminates cams, gears, clutches and associated gadgets. FOREST 60 Park PI., Newark 2, N. J. WENZEL "Smooth-Running I We are actively represented in every part of the world. Now you can be assured of "smooth running" performance with this time-proven projector. Too, your present equipment will do a "smoothrunning" job with Wenzel precision replacement parts. New ROLL TICKET HOLDER TH-2 Instantly adjustable to hold your roll at the correct tension. Can be used in any position. Write for our catalog. Mention dealer serving you. INTERNATIONAL PROJECTIONIST December 1946 35