International projectionist (Jan-Dec 1947)

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SO MUCH for so LITTLE $0.00 3 per copypostage prepaid Every projectionist should know the whys and wherefores of his projection room equipment. He should know what to do and what not to do when his equipment fails to function properly, and how to keep the show going until the service inspector arrives at the theatre. PROJECTIONISTS' SERVICE MANUAL is a complete, compact compilation of everyday problems encountered in the projection room, and contains sound practical suggestions relating to their causes and how to remedy them. All items are grouped according to classifications, and many of them are illustrated with schematic diagrams. A copy of this valuable trouble-shooter should be in every projection room for instant reference and as a trouble guide. Many I. A. Local Unions have placed a copy of this manual in each projection room. The price is right — only $3 per copy, postage prepaid. S^nd j>oA ii View! (Do Tioi (Delay INTERNATIONAL PROJECTIONIST 19 West 44 Street, New York 18, N. Y. Gentlemen: Enclosed find S3.00 for a copy of PROJECTIONISTS' SERVICE MANUAL, postage prepaid. Name Address City State