International projectionist (Jan-Dec 1950)

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sidered as qualified judges of worthwhile films. • We were glad to hear that M. D. O'Brien, assistant supervisor of projection and sound for Loews, Inc., is now convalescing from the serious illness with which he was stricken last Fall while supervising theater installations in London, England. Since it will be quite some time before he will be able to personally answer the many letters he has received, Obie has asked us to express through the medium of these columns his gratitude and thanks to his many well-wishers. Obie is now recuperating in Florida, where he plans to remain for several months. • Recent out-of-town visitors to the offices of IP: Milton Karp, Toronto Local 173; Tom J. Kearney, San Francisco Local 162; Eddie Miller, Houston Local 279; R. E. Morris, Mobile Local 142; Jim McNabb, Seattle Local 154; Orin M. Jacobson, Tacoma Local 175; Harry H. Lackey, Utica Local 337. IA ELECTIONS LOCAL 236, BIRMINGHAM, ALA. J. C. Harper, Sr., pres.; Fred Pinkard, vice-pres.; J. W. Tate, sec; W. H. Harper, treas.; Ralph Root, Sr., bus. rep.; J. N. Cason, sgt.-at-arms. LOCAL 337, UTICA, N. Y. Cletus Messman, pres.; John Stuczko, vice-pres.; Sam Grieco, rec.-sec; William Frey, fin.-sec; Harry H. Lackey, cor.-sec; Fred Messman, treas.; H. H. Lackey, bus. rep.; Don Ryan, Dick Roberts, members at large; Nick Cullen, sgt.-at-arms; H. H. Lackey, del. Utica Fed. of Labor, AF of L. LOCAL 396, BINGHAMTON, N. Y. James H. Holly, Pres.; Henry H. Cole, vice-pres.; Chas. W. Johnson, fin. sec.-treas.; Leon D. Clark, rec.-corr. sec; Earl Tuttle, bus. rep.; F. Donald Minkler, sgt.-at-arms; Jerrold B. Brown, Americo Di Pietro, Francis X. Schofield, trustees. LOCAL 409, SAN MATEO COUNTY and PALO ALTO, CALIF. Charles Wagner, pres.; Amos R. Kanaga, sec; Carl George, fin.-sec; John Turturici, bus. rep.; Ray Cayla, Robert Dunbar, Storme A. Wade, Rudy Ivanicich, Wes Schenkel, exec, board; Carlyn Bayman, Howard Bobbin, Albert Cernac, trustees. LOCAL 414, WICHITA, KANS. Albert N. McLain, pres.; Charles H. Winslow, vice-pres.; Seth E. Barnes, rec.-sec; Ernest E. Dinsmore, treas.; William A. Lee, bus. rep.; Gene Watkins, sgt.-at-arms. LOCAL 451, NEW CASTLE, PENNA. Joseph J. Carson, pres.; Thomas E. Roberts, vice-pres.; William J. McCormick, rec.sec; William F. Hall, fin.-sec; John P. Brogan. bus. rep.; Robert O. Woodring, sgt.-at arms; George A. Kalata, Robert Woodring, Robert H. Thompson, trustees; J. J. Carson, del. IA Convention. LOCAL 523, QUEBEC, CANADA Charles Pacaud, pres.; Edward Haines, vice-pres.; Frank Kipling, sec.-treas.; Jules Pacaud, rec.-sec; Edmond Haines, bus. rep.; Alex Guilbault, Leo Poulin, F. Kipling, Jacques Bertheaume, exec, board; J. Pacaud, Lionel Villeneuve, Alphcnse Mignault, auditors; Louis Larouse, L. Poulin, del. Federated Trades and Labor Council. SMP & TE 66th Meet in Chicago The sixty-sixth semi-annual convention of the Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers, formerly the Society of Motion Picture Engineers, will be held April 24-28, inclusive, at the Drake Hotel in Chicago. Feature event on the program will be a comprehensive symposium on television program production. Other scheduled highlights include symposia on high-speed photography and high-intensity projection. In charge of the papers program for the meeting is R. T. Van Niman, 4501 Washington St., Chicago 24, 111. Heyer-Schultz Metal Mirror Data Heyer-Schultz, Inc., have issued a new booklet containing complete information on their all-metal projection reflectors, including an entirely new section relating to correct installation and alignment of the units. New H-S reflectors now being developed range from 12 to 16% inches in size and will serve any type of arc lamp. H-S reflectors are now being distributed through all RCA supply dealers as well as through all branches of National Theatre Supply Co. Ballantyne's New Drive-ln Booklet Now available from the Ballantyne Co. is a colorful booklet describing the complete "packaged" drive-in theater construction and outfitting plan, together with a detailed description of all products offered by the company. Copies of this booklet may be had free of charge upon request to Ballantyne at 1707 Davenport St., Omaha, Neb. 25-30 Club Guests of IPC for Simplex X-L Showing One of the standout educational and social affairs of the season was held in mid-February when the members and guests of the 25-30 Club of New York assembled at the International Projector Corp. factory in Bloomfield, N.J., for a lecture-demonstration of the new Simplex X-L projector. A banner turnout of more than 200 was present to hear Herb Griffin, vicepresident of IPC, veteran IA man and a member of the 25-30 Club, collaborate with Arthur Meyer, sales manager for IPC, in detailing the highlights of this new mechanism. Lester Isaac, director of sound and visual projection for Loew's Theaters, summarized his findings anent the Simplex X-L projector after 16 months of daily operation, and he was assisted in this chore by Wally Byrne, of Loew's State Theater, New York, who was the first projectionist to operate this mechanism in a commercial theater. A pleasant interlude during the evening was when Arthur Meyer and Admiral R. E. Tompkins (Retired), president of IPC, were awarded honorary memberships in the 25-30 Club. Following the demonstration the entire group was served a sumptuous buffet supper in the factory restaurant. NEW YORK 25-30 CLUB GUESTS OF SIMPLEX FOR X-L MECHANISM DEMONSTRATION Gathered at the International Projector Corp. plant at Bloomfield, N. J., were (front row): Tom Forestieri and Ben Stern, trustee and financial secretary, respectively, of 25-30 Club; Mike Berkowirz, former president of the Club; R. B. Tompkins, president of IPC; Al Kay, 25-30 Club president, and Harry Sherman of IP. Standing in rear, left to right: Ed Dougherty, Local 384, Hudson County, N. J.; Morris Klapholtz, 25-30 secretary; Arthur E. Meyer, IPC sales manager; Tony Boscarelli, Local 384, and Morris J. Rotker, past president of the 25-30 Club. 20 INTERNATIONAL PROJECTIONIST MARCH 1950