International projectionist (Jan-Dec 1954)

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it was on the sprocket. If an edge is found to be nicked or roughened, loosen the set-screw and move the padroller arm in or out, as required, and tighten. Repeat the test until a position is found where the edges of the film are not injured by opening and closing the pad roller. Double-Film Test Thread the sprocket with two thicknesses of film and close the pad roller. Adjust the stop-screw until the point is reached where the two thicknesses of Good Judgment Dictates that you use the CRON-O-MATIC Fully Automatic CARBON SAVER on Ashcraft "D" and "E", Brenkert-Enarc, Peerless Magnarc, and Strong Mogul lamps. AVERAGE CARBON SAVING $400 A YEAR Burns average lengths (3</i|") down to Va", saving 2Vi" or 22.2% of carbon costs. Uses positive carbon stubs of any length, without preparation. When entirely consumed, the new carbon goes into use without losing the light, or otherwise afFecting lamp operation. Only $42.50 If your dealer can't supply you, order direct. DEALER INQUIRIES INVITED PAYNE PRODUCTS CO. (Cron-O-Motic Division) 2454 W. Stadium Blvd. Ann Arbor, Mich. ( ) Send literature on the Cron-O-Matic ( ) Ship Cron-O-Matic Carbon Saver: ( ) C. O. D., including postage. ( ) Remittance herewith. Nome Theatre Street City & State EXPORT: Frazar & Hansen, Ltd. San Francisco, New York, Los Angeles film are only very slightly loose in the sprocket with the pad roller closed. Then tighten the locknut. Clean the aperture plate and gate door, adjust the tension of the pressure pads, if necessary, and return these parts to the machine. A thin film of heavy petrolatum may be rubbed on the film tracks and pressure pads. (Oil should not be used in the gate, as heat will vaporize it and fog the lens.) The gates of old-style soundheads and the takeoff drums of newer models may now be cleaned. Petrolatum is unnecessary here. The focus of the optical tube should not be disturbed if this is known to be correct. (More anon concerning this point.) Check the alignment of the intermittent sprocket shoe by slowly closing the gate while the projector is running. If a loud intermittent sound is heard only when the gate is closed, adjustments are necessary. Lateral Guide Rollers Examine the lateral guide rollers for condition and cleanliness, but the adjustment of these must wait until the picture projection test is made. Clean and correct the position of sprocket strippers. Finally, thread up a 10-foot length of film — preferably a strip containing several wide and badly buckled splices — and run down slowly by hand, noting the action of the loops and the passage of the film over the sprockets. Correct any faults which may be revealed by this test. 5. Upper Magazine. The upper magazine should be overhauled before replacement of the projector. Take the assembly completely apart, clean and oil the spindle shaft, then reassemble. Clean the fire-valve rollers. Put the magazine back on the machine in correct alignment with the head. Check the assembly by placing an empty 2000-foot reel in the upper magazine and turning it while pressing it on the edge of the reel. Scraping of the reel against any part of the magazine indicates a condition to be corrected. Now test the tension of the friction spring by spinning a fully loaded 2000-foot reel in the magazine. The reel should not run too freely. Magazine & Takeup Assembly 6. Lower Magazine and Takeup Assembly. It is highly advisable to service thoroughly the lower-magazine takeup assembly of any projector which has been idle for a considerable length of time. Replace the takeup belt with a new FILM CEMENT Makes a splice that HOLDS ! Actually, a splice made with Ethyloid is stronger than the film itself. Works fast in any climate, hot or cold. Will not congeal. THIS UNION MADE FILM CEMENT IS AVAILABLE AT ALL THEATER SUPPLY DEALERS FISHER MFG. CO., 1 SALTER PLACE . ROCHESTER 13, N.Y. LaVezzi Machine Works 4635 WEST LAKE ST. CHICAGO 44, ILL. 28 INTERNATIONAL PROJECTIONIST • APRIL 1954