International projectionist (Jan-Dec 1957)

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EARNINGS (This department is devoted to non-technical items that have a direct bearing on the welfare of the industry.) 20th-Fox's consolidated earnings in the 26 weeks ended June 29 totaled $4,069,865 — $1.54 per share — nearly double the $2,156,670 for the comparable period last year; income this year was $64,276.712 compared to $56,779,826 last year. . . . Warner Bros.' nine-month net is $3,174,000, representing a 46 per cent increase over last year's $2,165,000 for a nine months' period; income was $57.981.000 as compared to $54,225,000 in 1956. . . . Eastman Kodak Co. has a net record earnings after taxes of $40,221,346 —$2.08 a share— for the 1957 initial 24 weeks, comparing with $38,753,316 for 24 weeks ending June 10. 1956; consolidated sales amounted to $347,977,709, a 7 per cent increase over 1956's $325.110.431. . . . Stanley Warner Corp. announces a net profit of $2,699,600. a 33 per cent increase over the $2,029,200 take last year for a comparable 39-week period; income was $83,808,700 against $70,780,400 in 1956. . . . AB-PT's net profit for the first half of this year is $2.700.000 — 61 cents per common share — a drop from last year's six-month net of $4,202,000—97 cents per share. . . . Consolidated net earnings after taxes of Technicolor. Inc. for the first six months of 1957 amount to $710,000—35 cents a share — comparing with $980.692 — 49 cents a share — for the corresponding period of 1956. . . . RCA net earnings amount to $20,311,000 for this year's first half, as compared with $20,037,000 for the same period last year; first-half sales of $564,990,000 exceed by 7 per cent the mark set in the first half of 1956. Show Biz Improves In Greece and Japan According to Nathan D. Golden, director of the Motion Picture and Photographic Products Division of the U. S. Department of Commerce, movie business improved last year in Greece and Japan. In Japan, admissions increased to 994.000.000 as against only 885,000.000 the year before. Admissions in Greece totalled 54,500.000 as against 47,400,000 the previous year. Experimental at Brussels The Brussels International Exhibition next year will feature an international experimental film competition open to all types of production: 16 and 35-mm, silent or sound, color or B-and-W. Grand prize will be 500.000 Belgian francs ($10,000). for the PRIME LENS #► n* ^ 0V 8 out of 1 0 Exhibitors today choose a Kollmorgen Super Snaplite for their prime lens. Perhaps this is because for more than thirty years Snaplites have been the standard by which all other lenses have been judged. For speed, for contrast, for definition and for terrific brilliance on the screen, your 1 st Choice is a Super Snaplite. Write for Bulletin 222. r\ ihmja\%oim;kn ' NORTHAMPTON, MASSACHUSETTS INTERNATIONAL PROJECTIONIST • SEPTEMBER 1957 23