International Review of Educational Cinematography (Jul-Dec 1929)

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Catholics in Switzerland, and points out how this is limited by lack of means. (Voralberger Vollfsblatt, Bregenz) . Herr Ernst Mandowski devotes a long article to the study of the several films released up to the present dealing with Biblical subjects. (Berliner Tageblatt, Berlin). The Secretary of the Protestant Alliance expresses the view that the public has a right to be informed of the reasons for which the exhibition of the film « Martin Luther » has been prohibited. (The Daily Telegraph, London). In an article entitled « The Catholic Church and the Cinema », Canon Reymond states that the so-called « moralizing » films ought to be proscribed from public cinema halls because they don't exercise the slightest moral influence. (Cine Journal, Paris). « The Churchman », the organ of the American Episcopal Church, has published an article criticising Mr. Will H. Hays. This criticism is connected with the attacks of which Mr. Hays was the object at the Congress of the Religious Press at Washington. « The Churchman » contends that the cinematograph industry is in no way concerned with moral and religious principles. (El Sol, Madrid). An article is contributed on the film activities of the Belgian Catholics and the report of Canon Brohe, who maintains that the Belgian Catholics outfit to endeavour to counterbalance the Pagan tendencies of American film production. (Film-Kurier, Berlin). An interesting lecture by Dr. Hans Wieg en the subject of c< The Film as an Economic and Cultural Factor », describes the course that ought to be pursued by Catholic Film action. (Film Kurier, Berlin) . An interesting paper by Father Friedrich Muckermann deals with Catholic principles in connection with the Film. (Reich sfilmblatt, Berlin) . The Friars of the Monastery of St. Francis, near Milan, have released a film reproducing chaunts and lithurgical ceremonies, which it is intended to project in the presence of the Pope. ( Coin oedia, Paris). TECHNICAL QUESTIONS An interesting series of articles by Marcel THerbier, Abel Gance, Henri Fescourt, Flenri Roussell, Jacques de Baroncelli, Germaine Dulac and Henri Chomette, deals with the different methods used for the development of sound films. (Le Cinema de Paris) . Professor E. Moscone puts forward Italy's claim to be the first inventor of the synchronized film. (Rassegna Fotografica, Milan) . Dr. C. E. K. Mess, Director of the Scientific Department of the Kodak's Amateur Section, explains the uses of 1 6 mm. films. (// Progresso Fotografico , Milan) . An article by Herr Ewald Jahn deals with the function of convertor groups in cinema projections. (Kinotechni\, Berlin) . An article by Dr. A. Klage studies the movement of electrones in vacant and gas-filled spaces. (Kinotechni\, Berlin) . Comprehensive details are given in regard to Mr. Spoor's invention known as the ci Giant Plastic Film ». (Kinotechnil^, Berlin). Herr Hans Pander writes en the technical perfection of the 16 mm. projectors of the De Vry Co. of Chicago. (Kinotechni\, Berlin) . A studv on the taking of panchromatic films is reviewed in this number. (Phoiographische Industrie, Berlin). An interesting article is devoted to an examination of the various technical problems of the synchronized film produced in different languages. (LichtBild-Btihne, Berlin) . — 494