International Review of Educational Cinematography (Jul-Dec 1929)

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While noting the relatively low number of affirmative answers (234 out of 919 children interrogated), and especially the small number of those who answered by a decisive eyes » (121 out of 919 children interrogated) Mile Jung made the following remark : «We may conclude that the cinema really arouses artistic emotion in only a very small minority. It must, however, be remembered that we are considering the cinema as it was in 191 5. The progress made since that period is so important that there is no doubt we should obtain very different answers today ». 13th. Question. Has the Cinema opened new horizons to you ? This question, like the preceding one, was put to only 717 boys and 202 girls, that is, to a total number of 919 children ; 427 answers were obtained, which may be tabulated as follows : Boys Girls Total Yes i5 59 75 Sometimes 4 11 15 Seldom. 2 7 9 Total no. of « yeses » 22 77 99 No 58 270 328 Grand total 80 347 427 We see that in regard to this question the number of negative answers is much greater than the number of affirmative answers. And we may add that there were even some boys, one of fifteen and one of thirteen, who replied to the question : does the cinema open new horizons to you ? by the statement : « quite the contrary» or by the declaration : « it closes them rather ». If we examine the affirmative answers, they reveal the fact that the cinema has aroused a taste for travelling in certain children and that it has also given them useful information in regard to science and topical events. One boy found that it showed him the difficulties there are in life ; a little girl was enabled by the cinema to make comparisons between the lives of rich and poor, while another made acquaintance by its means with the lives of