International Review of Educational Cinematography (Jul-Dec 1929)

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Girls Age II years 12 » 13 » 14 » 15 » l6 » 17 » l8 » Do not go C 0 to the cinema Number to the cinema rarely often Total 226 53 (23.45%) 86 87 173 (76.55%) 451 97 (21.51%) 179 336 354 (78.49%) 569 141 (24-78%) 250 178 428 (75.22%) 436 119 (27.29%) i73 144 3i7 (72.71%) 2l6 67 (3L02%) 96 53 149 (68.98%) 73 18 (24.66%) 24 3i 55 (75-34%) J3 3 (23.08%) 9 1 10 (76.92%) 5 1 2 2 4 BjVS II years 12 >' 13 » 14 » 15 » l6 » 17 » l8 » 191 28 (14.66%) 82 81 163 (85.34%) 47o 68 d4.47%) 205 197 402 (85.53%) 624 98 d5.7i%) 262 262 526 (84.29%) 553 98 (17.72%) 265 190 455 (82.28%) 304 48 (i5.79%) 175 81 256 (84.21%) 82 18 (21.95%) 39 25 64 (78.05%) 14 3 (21.43%) 6 5 11 (78.57%) 5 0 4 1 5 These statistics contain some interesting information, which we will indicate but will not attempt to explain. a) It wTill be seen that the number of girls who do not frequent the cinema is higher than that of the boys : 2172 to 31% of the girls and i^/a to 22% of the boys (we do not take into account the figures dealing with young people of 18 years, which concern too small a number to be of interest). b) Among the girls the proportion of those who do not frequent the cinema is in constant increase with the age and reaches its maximum at the age of 15 ; from this age it decreases. Among boys, the figures are not so regular ; and it is worthy of remark that it is precisely at 1 5 years of age that frequentation of the cinema increases among boys, while the number of them who do not go to the cinema is highest at the age of 16. The decrease in frequentation of the cinema towards the age of 15 or 16 is attributed by Mile Aellig to the effects of regligious instruction, since it is be 653 — .