International Review of Educational Cinematography (Jul-Dec 1929)

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The back part of the perforating machine is shown and the cards are seen dropping into a box. The machine is shown closer up. The following caption is projected : The cards are printed for checking purposes The totals are added up automatically The « printer » is seen at work, the papers to be printed are sorted, and the several parts of the « printer » displayed to the audience. The clerk displays the checking sheets, which are next shown enlarged. These sheets show whether all the cards have been duly perforated and the check also affords the certainty that the numbers printed agree with those to be marked by the perforator. Sorting the papers The « sorters o are seen at work. A member of the technical staff is there to make sure that there is always a packet of papers ready to be sortted in the machine and the machine takes them one at a time as required. When the papers have been sorted and stamped with the numbers referring to each customer, there is shown : How current accounts are checked This job is likewise accomplished by the printer. We are again shown the press at work and the check of the current accounts is shown on the screen. Striking the balances Some of the clerks of the control service are seen attending to this task by electrically worked calculating machines. The state of the balances is shown for some seconds on the screen, where we read : The same cards are used for calculating the interests on the current accounts {classified according to the dates on which they fall due), for statistical purposes, and for the auditing of the current accounts. The bank register is likewise compiled by perforating the sheets of the provisional balances for each branch of the service and classifying them under the several bookkeeping heads. The screen shows : How the endorsements are made out The « printer » is shown equipped with a roller and a cutter, two improvements which the bank itself has introduced. The printed notes are seen dropping into a basket. 7-ingl. 705