International Review of Educational Cinematography (Jul-Dec 1929)

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produced under the direction of Dr. Galkine. (El Cine, Barcellona F. 13/ 67). The National Commission of the Council of Scientific Research of the United States, has suggested the production of a film illustrating the progress of science during the last hundred years. It is proposed to exhibit this film at the Universal Exhibition to be held in Chicago in 1933. (Exhibitors' Herald World, Chicago F. 13/71). At the Congress of Stomatology held in Rome last October several members of the Congress had recourse to the film in support of their speeches. (// Regime Fascista, Cremona F. 13/72). The scientific films of the Italian National Society, the Luce, which were projected in the course of the Surgical Congress in Paris, met with very marked success. (7/ Tevere, Rome F. 13/73). Prof. Victor Pauchet has shown an animated drawing film on the subject of « The technique of the ablation of Ulcers in the Stomach ». This is the third year in which the eminent student has displayed the demonstration of surgical operations by animated drawings. (Congres Fran cats de Chirurgie, Paris F. 3/75). The Russian stage manager Eisenstem has turned a film on abortion. One thousand metres of film have been printed under the direction of the doctors of the Cantonal Hospital of Zurich. (Le Cinema Suisse, Montreux F. 13/77) M. Franco Feline forecasts the creation of films for children based on the same principles as those insipiring child rens' books. (7/ Cinematografo, Rome F. 15/86). Mademoiselle Madeleine Brandeis, who has been recognized by the League of Nations as a zealous promotor of world peace, has exhibited the films she has iproduced for the purpose of mak ing, school children acquainted with the life, ways and deed' of children the world over. These iilms, which form an integral part of American school curriculums, are of great assistance, especially in the teaching of geography. (Hamburger Nachrichten, Hamburg 15/90). A « Cultural Institution » has been opened in Latvia having for its object to subsidize educational films. (Baltische T'resse, Danzig F. 17/56). The French censorship has prohibited the public exhibition of the film of M. Jean Painleve on the transfusion of blood. It will be allowed to show this film only in scientific circles. (The Daily Film Renter, London 18/189). The Pan-Pacific Womens' Conference, to be held at Honolulu in August 1930, will devote special consideration to the question of the educational cinema. Dr. Ethel Osborne, of Melbourne, has got into touch with the I. E. C. I. in this connection. (Bull, of the Pacific Union, Honolulu F. 22/229). The Sovkino, the Meschrabpom and the Vufku have published in the U. R. S. S. a <( Catalogue of Cultural Films » for the Year 1929/30. (Licht-bildbiihne, Berlin F. 28/46). M. L. Barschanskv is making a study of the great progress made in the course of the last few years in the domain of radio-cinematography. He expresses the view that this new invention, once it is perfected, will be of the greatest service to man in his work and intellectual 'life. (Kino und Kidtur, Moscow, 30/51). Madame Erna Busing criticises films purpoting to depicit the life of eastern peoples. She expresses the view that, far from giving any real picture, these films give the audiences a false impression of eastern life and customs. (Vorwaerts, Berlin 34/321). Mr. R. A. Wetzel, of the New York Microscopic Society, working in colla — 712