Journal of the Society of Motion Picture Engineers (1930-1949)

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JOURNAL OF THE SOCIETY OF MOTION PICTURE ENGINEERS Volume XXVI JANUARY, 1936 Number 1 CONTENTS Page The Development and Use of Stereo Photography for Educational Purposes C. KENNEDY 3 Report of the Standards Committee 18 Report of the Sound Committee 21 Presidential Address H. G. TASKER 28 Continuous Photographic Processing H. D. HINELINE 38 Optical Printing and Technic LYNN DUNN 54 Wide-Range Reproduction in Theaters J. P. MAXFIELD AND C. FLANNAGAN 67 An Investigation of Sources of Direct Current for the NonRotating High-Intensity Reflecting Arc C. C. DASH 79 Trends in 16-Mm. Projection, with Special Reference to Sound • . . .A. SHAPIRO 89 Symposium on New Motion Picture Apparatus : A Wide-Range Studio Spot Lamp for Use with 2000-Watt Filament Globes E. C. RICHARDSON 95 An Automatic Daylight Continuous 35-Mm. Projection Machine A.B. SCOTT 102 The Vitachrome Diffusionlite System and Its Application . . . A. C. JENKING 104 Society Announcements 107