Journal of the Society of Motion Picture Engineers (1930-1949)

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10 BATES AND RUNYAN July In case of questionable deviations in the graph, complete sensitometric curves should be plotted for the strips involved. For general purposes, the three-step plot will suffice. Many machine operators will prefer to run a pictorial type in addition to the sensitometric type since this gives them a clearer picture of the actual effect of machine differences on picture quality. The interpretation of pictorial strips should, of course, be given secondary emphasis as compared to the more accurate, numerical interpretation of the sensitometric control strips. When deviations occur in the machine photographic tests, it is advisable to run a chemical analysis immediately to fix the cause of the deviation. Photographic side tests also may be made by using the solution control machine to compare a solution withdrawn from a machine tank with a type solution. Provided proper prechecking of solutions is made at the tune of mixing, no serious deviations ever should occur. Such differences as do occur will normally arise from an excessive amount of high or low key film exposures, or from excessive aeration of solution due to leaky circulation pumps or from the aging of unused solutions. C. Analytical Controls The analysis procedure for the developer and bleach solutions are outlined in the paper by Brunner, Means, and Zappert.2 For routine machine operation, complete developer analysis should be run approximately every 48 hours. Bromide analysis of developers should be run every 4 to 8 hours as changes in bromide concentration are an accurate indication of improper replenishment rate. Bleach tit rations should be run at 8-hour intervals. The condition of the bleach can be judged roughly by visually noting the time required for the bleach to etch out the silver antihalo layer. Bleach performance is generally satisfactory if this takes place in 1/3 the total bleaching time. It should never exceed l/2 the total bleaching time. The fixer tank should be analyzed for silver content at intervals of 8 hours of machine operation. Fixer performance is satisfactory if tune of clearing does not exceed l/z total time of fixing. II. MACHINE CONTROL AND REPLENISHMENT DATA Successful replenishment can be carried out on any type of equipment having fully controlled and reproducible temperature and agitation conditions. Within the Ansco plant, the system has been