Journal of the Society of Motion Picture Engineers (1930-1949)

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Journal of the Society of Motion Picture Engineers VOLUME 53 AUGUST 1949 NUMBER 2 PAGE Engineering Techniques in Motion Pictures and Television ALFRED N. GOLDSMITH 109 Motion Picture Laboratory Practice for Television ARTHUR J. MILLER 112 Sound-on-Film Recording for Television Broadcasting CLYDE R. KEITH 114 Television-Film Requirements G. DAVID GUDEBROD 117 Will Film Take Over the Television Commercial? : JOSEPH A. MORAN 120 Discussion — Television Forum 124 Progress Report — Theater Television BARTON KREUZER 128 Television Pickup for Transparencies. . . .ROGER D. THOMPSON 137 Use of 35-Mm Ansco Color Film for 16-Mm Color Release Prints . REID H. RAY 143 Direct-Positive Variable-Area Recording with the Light Valve LEWIS B. BROWDER 149 35-Mm and 16-Mm Portable Sound-Recording System E. W. TEMPLIN 159 Demineralization of Photographic Wash Water by Ion Exchange HARRY P. GREGOR AND N. N. SHERMAN 183 Meetings of Other Societies 192 Film Vaults: Construction and Use JOHN G. BRADLEY 193 66th Semiannual Convention 207 John H. Kurlander 210 Proposed Standard for 35-Mm Sprocket Holes . .211 Section Meeting 211 New Products 212 ARTHUR C. DOWNES HEIIEN M. STOTE NORWOOD L. SIMMONS Chairman Editor Chairman Board of Editors Papers Committee Subscription to nonmembers, $10.00 per annum; to members, $6.25 per annum, included in their annual membership dues; single copies, $1.25. Order from the Society's General Office. A discount of ten per cent is allowed to accredited agencies on orders for subscriptions and single copies. Published monthly at Easton, Pa., by the Society of Motion Picture Engineers, Inc. Publication Office, 20th & Northampton Sts., Easton, Pa. General and Editorial Office, 342 Madison Ave., New York 17, N. Y. Entered as second-class matter January 15, 1930, at the Post Office at Easton, Pa., under the Act of March 3, 1879. Copyright, 1949, by the Society of Motion Picture Engineers, Inc. Permission to republish material from the JOURNAL must be obtained in writing from the General Office of the Society. Copyright under International Copyright Convention and Pan-American Convention. The