Journal of the Society of Motion Picture Engineers (1930-1949)

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Journal of the Society of Motion Picture Engineers VOLUME 53 OCTOBER 1949 NUMBER 4 PAGE Theater Television Today JOHN EVANS McCoy AND HARRY P. WARNER 321 FCC Allocation of Frequencies for Theater Television 351 Statement on Theater Television 354 Portable Device for Measuring Radiant Energy at the Projector Aperture A. J. HATCH, JR. 363 Report of Lens-Calibration Subcommittee 368 Precision Lens-Testing and Copying Camera. . .M. W. LA RUE 379 35-Mm and 16-Mm Sound-on-Film Reproducing Characteristic JOHN K. HILLIARD 389 Desirable Locations for Theater Sites E.G. FALUDI 396 New Portable High-Intensity Arc Spotlight RUSSELL J. AYLING 408 SMPE Awards 417 Book Reviews : "Electron Tubes" (Volumes I and II), Published by RCA Review Reviewed by L. F. Brown 422 "The Sound Track Book of the Theatre," Published by The Sound Track Reviewed by William K. Aughenbaugh 422 Current Literature 424 To the Editor ' 425 European Advisory Committee 425 New Products 426 ARTHUR C. DOWNES HELEN M. STOTE NORWOOD L. SIMMONS Chairman Editor Chairman Board of Editors Papers Committee Subscription to nonmembers, $12.50 per annum; to members, $6.25 per annum, included in their annual membership dues; single copies, $1.50. Order from the Society's General Office. A discount of ten per cent is allowed to accredited agencies on orders for subscriptions and single copies. Published monthly at Easton, Pa., by the Society of Motion Picture Engineers, Inc. Publication Office, 20th & Northampton Sts., Easton, Pa. General and Editorial Office, 342 Madison Ave., New York 17, N. Y. Entered as second-class matter January 15, 1930, at the Post Office at Easton, Pa., under the Act of March 3, 1879. Copyright, 1949, by the Society of Motion Picture Engineers, Inc. Permission to republish material from the JOURNAL must be obtained in writing from the General Office of the Society. Copyright under International Copyright Convention and Pan-American Convention. The Society is not responsible for statements of authors or contributors.