Journal of the Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers (1950-1954)

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13. G. H. S. Tupholme, Photography in Engineering, Faber and Hyperion Press, London, 1945. 14. A. Magnan, Premiers Essais de Cinimatographie Ultrarapide, Hermann et Cie, Paris, 1932. 15. A. Magnan, Cinematographic jusqu'a 72,000 Vues per Second, Hermann et Cie, Paris, 1932. 16. P. Fayolle and P. Naslin, Photographic Instantanie et Cinimatographie Ultrarapide, Editions de la Revue d'Optique, Paris, 1950. 17. E. W. H. Selwyn, Photography in Astronomy, Eastman Kodak Co., New York, 1950. 18. H. K. Bourne, Discharge Lamps for Photography and Projection, Chapman, London, 1948. 19. R. J. Hercock, The Photographic Recording of Cathode Ray Tube Traces, Ilford Ltd., London, 1947. 20. C. F. Powell and G. P. S. Occhialini, Nuclear Physics in Photographs, Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1947. 21. H. Yagoda, Radioactive Measurements with Nuclear Emulsions, John Wiley & Sons, New York, 1949. 22. D. A. Spencer, Editor, Progress in Photography, 1940-1950, Focal Press, London and New York, 1951. 23. J. M. Bourot, Chronophotographie des Champs Aerodynamiques, Publications Scientifiques et Techniques du Ministre de L'Air, Paris, 1949. 24. P. Thevenard and G. Tassel, Le Cinima Scientifique Francois, La Jeune Parque, Paris, 1948. 25. O. Lacmann, Die Photogrammetrie in ihrer Anwendung auf Nichttopographischen Gebieten, S. H. Verlag, Leipzig, 1950. 26. "Low Cost 16-mm Camera for Rocket Photography," R. E. Mueser and T. F. Irvine, Jr., /. Am. Rocket Soc., 82: 119-25, Sept. 1950. 27. "2000 m.p.h. Timing Equipment," Rev. Sci. Instr., 21: 889, Oct. 1950. 28. "High-Speed Photography of Reflection-Lighted Objects in Transonic Wind Tunnel Testing,'* E. R. Hinz, C. A. Main and E. P. Muhl, Jour. SMPTE, 55: 613-26, Dec. 1950. 29. "Hand-Held High-Speed Motion Picture Camera," B. Marcus, Phot. Eng., 1: 57, Apr. 1950. 30. "High-Speed Photography of Underwater Explosions," P. M. Fye, Jour. SMPTE, 55: 414-24, Oct. 1950. 31. "Cinematographic Analysis of Rapid Movements," L. Bull, Mesures, 15: 329-333, Aug. 1950. 32. "1 00,000,000-Frame-Per-Second Camera," M. Sultanoff, Rev. Sci. Instr., 21: 653, July 1950. — , Jour. SMPTE, 55: 158-166, Aug. 1950; see also "High-Speed Motion Pictures by Multiple-Aperture Focal-Plane Scanners," and "Improvements in High-Speed Motion Pictures by Multiple-Aperture Focal-Plane Scanners," F. E. Tuttle, ibid., 53: 451 and 462, Nov. 1949. 33. "Simple Device for Ultra-high-speed Photography," H. Bartels and B. Eiselt, Optik, p. 56, Jan. 1950. 34. "Multiple Kerr Cell Camera," A. M. Zarem and F. R. Marshall, Rev. Sci. Instr., 21: 514-19, June 1950. 35. "Kerr Cell Camera and Flash Illumination Unit for Ballistic Photography," H. F. Quinn, W. B. McKay and O. J. Bourque, /. Appl. Phys., 21: 995-1001, Oct. 1950. 36. "Operation and Photographic Characteristics of Kerr Cell Type ElectroOptical Shutter," A. E. J. Holtham and H. A. Prime, Proc. Phys. Soc., London, B63, No. 368: 561-72, Aug. 1950. 37. "A High-Speed Camera with Electronic Controls," R. B. Bowersox, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology. Paper K-9, American Physical Society, Dec. 1950. 38. "The Development of High-Speed Photography and the Electrically Controlled Camera Shutter," H. Windischbauer, Phot. Korr., 85: 100104, Dec. 1950. 39. "Iconoscope Electro-Optical Shutter for High-Speed Photography," H. A. Prime and R. C. Turnock, Rev. Sci. Instr., 20: 830, Nov. 1949; , Proc. Inst. Elec. Eng.(II], 97: 793-96, Dec. 1950. 40. "A New Method for the Photographic Study of Fast Transient Phenomena," J. S. Courtney-Pratt, Research, 2, No. 6: 287-94, June 1949. 41. "Simultaneous Photography of SelfLuminous and Non-Self-Luminous Kenneth Shaftan: Photographic Instrumentation in 1950 479