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Journal of the Society of Motion Picture Engineers (1930-1949)

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MALE BANANA PLUS TO HIGH-VOLT. CHASSIS voltage power supply and video chassis. voltage point, giving the brightest possible picture at this setting. Upon the removal of the signal, the voltage at AG should be brought to its lowest point for proper operation to prevent blooming and the voltage at HV continues to decrease normally — preventing the failures and breakdowns as explained previously. Also, it is readily seen that changing from station to station in this system will cause a decrease of voltage at HV making a very effective safeguard against breakdown. Potentiometer R, Fig. 12, is a manual adjustment of this proper minimum and is used to compensate for variables in different units which may cause this minimum voltage to be too high, thus causing blooming and the shooting up of the voltage at HV. Trad and Muniz: Theater Television System 135