Journal of the Society of Motion Picture Engineers (1930-1949)

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New Members The following members have been added to the Society's rolls since those last published, designations of grades are the same as those used in the 1952 MEMBERSHIP DIRECTORY. The Honorary (H) Fellow (F) Active (M) Associate (A) Student (S) Adair, George P., Consulting Engineer, George P. Adair Engineering Co., 1610 Eye St., N.W., Washington 6, B.C. (M) Adler, Benjamin, Engineer, Adler Communications Laboratories, 1 LeFevre La., New Rochelle, N.Y. (M) Bras, Rene, President, Science Pictures, Inc., 5 E. 57 St., New York, N.Y. (M) Diner, Leo, Motion Picture Producer, 332 Golden Gate Ave., San Francisco, Calif. (M) Ewing, Jasper G., Jr., Partner, Jasper Ewing & Sons. Mail: 725 Poydras St., New Orleans, La. (A) Friedman, Jacob, Photographer, Emerson Electric Manufacturing Co. Mail: 7010 Tulane, University City 5, Mo. (A) Gallagher, James C., President, Gallagher Films, Inc. Mail: 137 N. Oakland Ave., Green Bay, Wis. (A) Gilreath, Walter W., District Manager, RCA Service Co., Inc. Mail: 3732 Stanford St., Dallas 5, Tex. (M) Goldman, Leslie A., Production Manager (Motion Pictures), Tempo Productions, Inc., 588 Fifth Ave., New York 36, N.Y. (A) Hildebrandt, Carl E., Optical Field Technician, Sandia Corp. Mail: 674 Sunset Dr., P.O. Box 410, Brawley, Calif. (A) Hill, Armin J., Research Physicist, Motion Picture Research Council, 1421 North Western Ave., Los Angeles 27, Calif. (M) Inglis, Andrew F., Radio Engineer, Mclntosh 6 Inglis. Mail: 4619 Norwood Dr., Chevy Chase, Md. (M) Johnson, Howard R. H., Assistant to Deputy Chief, Operations, Air Photographic & Charting Service, 3701 North Broad St., Philadelphia, Pa. (A) Johnston, Capt. Clint, Chief, Motion Picture & Video Production Division, Air Photographic & Charting Service, U.S. Air Force, 3701 N. Broad St., Philadelphia 40, Pa. (A) Kaplan, Fred M., Geo. W. Colburn Laboratory, Inc. Mail: 6508 Rockwell, Chicago 45, 111. (A) Lee, Harold V., President and Manager, Colorvision, Inc., 129 W. Alameda Ave., Burbank, Calif. (M) Lewis, Jack, Owner, Jack Lewis Studios, 705 East Main St., Richmond 19, Va. (M) Lohnes, Kenneth F., Cine Technician, Warner Brothers Studio. Mail: 4604 Cahuenga Blvd., North Hollywood, Calif. (A) Mack, Donald, TV Sales Manager, Production Assistant, Filmack Corp. Mail: 8626 Prairie Rd., Skokie, 111. (M) Oldershaw, Malcolm J., Consulting Engineer, Canadian Marconi Co., Ltd., 2442 Trenton Ave., Mount Royal, Quebec, Canada. (A) Ottemiller, William H., Jr., Division Manager, Quality Control, Television Picture Tube Division, Sylvania Electric Products, Inc. Mail: R.D. #1, Seneca Falls, N.Y. (M) Pike, Rowland, District Manager, Ansco Division, General Aniline & Film Corp. Mail: 7125 Maple Ave., Takoma Park 12, Md. (M) Powis, Chauncey G., TV Engineer, KDYLTV. Mail: 59^ Hillside Ave., Salt Lake City, Utah. (A) Rowley, Basil G. H., Technical Representative, Marconi's Wireless Telegraph Co., Ltd., 23-25 Beaver St., New York 4, N.Y. (A) Sandwick, Luther M., Vice-President, WilcoxGay Corp., Charlotte, Mich. (M) Sproul, Thomas G., Film Technician, Consolidated Film Industries. Mail: 4461 Morse Ave., North Hollywood, Calif. (A) CHANGES IN GRADE Bury, John L., Jr., (S) to (A) Gausman, Harvey E., (A) to (M) MacDonald, Joseph W., (S) to (A) Wicker, L. P., (A) to (M) SMPTE Officers and Committees: The roster of Society Officers and the Committee Chairmen and Members were published in the April Journal. 547