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Journals Available and Wanted
These notices are published as a service to expedite disposal and acquisition of out-of-print Journals Please write direct to the persons and addresses listed.
1951-1952 Journals in excellent condition plus the Indexes for 1916-30, 1930-35, 1936-45 and 1946-50; and including the 1949 High-Speed Photography. For best offer write to K. C. Tsien, 147-51 Charter Road, Jamaica 35, N.Y.
Transactions 1, 6 and 7. Write Mrs. Dorothy Gelatt, Henry M. Lester, 101 Park Ave., New York 17, N.Y.
January and February 1946 Journals. Advise the Record Engineering Library, Radio Corporation of America, RCA Victor Division, 501 N. LaSalle St., Indianapolis, Ind.
Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers, Southwest Subsection Meeting,
Mar. 16, Fort Worth, Tex.
Inter-Society Color Council, Annual Meeting, Mar. 18, Hotel Statler, New York, N.Y. American Institute of Electrical Engineers, New York Section, Meeting on "High-Energy Accelerators," Mar. 19. Engineering Societies Bldg., New York Optical Society of America, Mar. 19-21, Hotel Statler, New York, N.Y. American Physical Society, Joint Meeting with APS Southeastern Section, Mar. 26-28.
Duke University, Durham, N.C.
Symposium on Modern Network Synthesis, planned by Polytechnic Institute of Brooklyn, Apr. 16-18, Auditorium of Engineering Societies Bldg., New York
International Symposium on Nonlinear Circuit Analysis, Apr. 23-24, information from Microwave Research Inst., 55 Johnson St., Brooklyn 1, N.Y.
73d Semiannual Convention of the SMPTE, Apr. 27-May 1, Hotel Statler, Los Angeles National Association of Radio and Television Broadcasters, 7th Annual Conf., Apr. 28
May 1, Ambassador Hotel, Los Angeles
American Physical Society, Apr. 30-May 2, Washington, D.C. Acoustical Society of America, May 7-9, Hotel Warwick, Philadelphia, Pa. Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers, Southwest Subsection, May 20,
Dallas, Tex.
Society of Photographic Engineers, Third Annual Conference on Science in Photography and Photographic Instrumentation, May 20-22, U.S. Hotel Thayer, West Point, N.Y. American Physical Society, June 18-20, Rochester, N.Y.
American Institute of Electrical Engineers, Summer General Meeting, June 29July 3,
Atlantic City, N.J.
Biological Photographic Association, 23d Annual Meeting, Aug. 31-Sept. 3, Hotel Statler,
Los Angeles, Calif.
The Royal Photographic Society's Centenary, International Conference on the Science and Applications of Photography, Sept. 19-25, London, England
National Electronics Conference, 9th Annual Conference, Sept. 28-30, Hotel Sherman,
74th Semiannual Convention of the SMPTE, Oct. 4-9, Hotel Statler, New York Audio Engineering Society, Fifth Annual Convention, Oct. 14-17, Hotel New Yorker,
New York, N.Y.
Theatre Equipment and Supply Manufacturers' Association Convention (in conjunction with Theatre Equipment Dealers' Association and Theatre Owners of America),
Oct. 31-Nov. 4, Conrad Hilton Hotel, Chicago, 111.