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Theatre Owners of America, Annual Convention and Trade Show, Nov. 1-5, Chicago, 111 National Electrical Manufacturers Association, Nov. 9-12, Haddon Hall Hotel, Atlantic
City, N.J.
75th Semiannual Convention of the SMPTE, May 3-7, 1954 (next year), Hotel Statler,
Washington, D.C.
76th Semiannual Convention of the SMPTE, Oct. 18-20, 1954 (next year), Ambassador
Hotel, Los Angeles
Employment Service
Position Available
Permanent position in Southwest for experienced motion picture cameraman; must have sample interior and exterior footage to indicate ability. Write letter, giving re'sume' of professional experience, to Susong Agency, 524 Commercial Bldg. Dallas, Tex. All replies confidential.
Positions Wanted
Audio-Visual School of Education Graduate: M.A., Audio-Visual Education, New York University. Sound background in personnel and contact work, attractive, single, personable. Prefer position New York or New Jersey area. Spent 3 years abroad, civilian, Special Services Director. Miss Fredericka Appleby, 810 Broadway, Newark, N.J. HUmboldt 5-4582.
TV Producer-Director: Formerly Chief of Production in Army's first mobile TV system, experience in writing-directing high-speed, low-cost instructional productions; TV producer-director, KRONTV San Francisco, five shows weekly. Desire connection in educational TV, preferably employing kinescope technique; married; prefer West Coast, but willing to travel; resume', script samples, pictures of work — on request. Robert Lownsbery, 1116 E. Claremont St., Pasadena 6, Calif.
Resigning Feb. 1 as gen. mgr., charge of production, large southern film studio. 15 yrs. experience as prod, mgr., editor and cameraman, 16mm and 35mm. Married, 37, college grad. References and resume on request — Harlan H. Mendenhall, 1609 Blodgett, Houston 4, Tex.
Motion pictures in color depend on the engineers' knowledge of the "Principles of Color Sensitometry." A 72-page article bearing that title and prepared by the Color Sensitometry Committee appeared in the Journal for June 1950. Attractive reprint copies may be purchased for $1.00.
SMPTE Lapel Pins are available from the Society's headquarters. They are gold and blue enamel, with a screw back. The pin is a £-in. reproduction of the Society symbol — the film, sprocket and
television tube — which appears on the Journal cover. The price of the pin is $4.00, including Federal Tax; in New York City, add 3% sales tax.
SMPTE Officers and Committees: A new publishing of the roster of Society Officers and the Committee Chairmen and Members is scheduled for the April Journal. The last one is in April 1952.