Journal of the Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers (1950-1954)

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Sec. 2. All committees, except as otherwise specified, shall be appointed to act for the term served by the officer charged with appointing the committees or until he terminates the appointment. Sec. 3. Chairmen of the committees shall not be eligible to serve in such capacity for more than two consecutive terms. Sec. 4. Standing Committees of the Society to be appointed by the President and confirmed by the Board of Governors are as follows: Honorary Membership Committee Journal Award Committee Nominating Committee Progress Medal Award Committee Public Relations Committee Samuel L. Warner Memorial Award Committee Sec. 5. There shall be an Admissions Committee for each Section of the Society composed of a chairman and three members of which at least two shall be members of the Board of Governors. Sec. 6. There shall be a Fellow Award Committee composed of all the officers and section chairmen of the Society under the chairmanship of the Past-President. In case the chairmanship is vacated it shall be temporarily filled by appointment by the President. BYLAW VI Meetings of the Society Sec. 1. The location and time of each meeting or convention of the Society shall be determined by the Board of Governors. Sec. 2. The grades of membership entitled to vote are defined in Bylaw I. Sec. 3. A quorum of the Society shall consist in number of ^ of the total of those qualified to vote as listed in the Society's records at the close of the last fiscal year before the meeting. Sec. 4. The annual meeting shall be held during the fall convention. Sec. 5. Special meetings may be called by the President and upon the request of any three members of the Board of Governors not including the President. Sec. 6. All members of the Society in any grade shall have the privilege of discussing technical material presented before the Society or its Sections. BYLAW VII Duties of Officers Sec. 1. The President shall preside at all business meetings of the Society and shall perform the duties pertaining to that office. As such he shall be the chief executive'of the Society, to whom all other officers shall report. Sec. 2. In the absence of the President, the officer next in order as listed in Article V of the Constitution shall preside at meetings and perform the duties of the President. Sec. 3. The seven officers shall perform the duties separately enumerated below and those defined by the President: (a) The Executive Vice-President shall represent the President, and shall be responsible for the supervision of the general affairs of the Society as directed by the President. The President and the Executive VicePresident shall not both reside in the geographical area of the same Society Section, but one of these officers shall reside in the vicinity of the executive offices. Should the President or Executive Vice-President remove his residence to the same geographical area of the United States as the other, the office of Executive Vice-President shall immediately become vacant and a new Executive Vice-President shall be elected by the Board of Governors for the unexpired portion of the term. (b) The Engineering Vice-President shall appoint all technical committees. He shall be responsible for the general initiation, supervision, and co-ordination of the work of these committees. (c) The Editorial Vice-President shall be responsible for the publication of the Society's Journal and all other Society publications. (d) The Financial Vice-President shall be responsible for the financial operations of the Society, and shall conduct them in accordance with budgets prepared by him and approved by the Board of Governors. (e) The Convention Vice-President shall be responsible for the national conventions of the Society. He shall arrange for at least one annual convention to be held in the fall of the year. Sec. 4. The Secretary shall keep a record of all meetings; and shall have the re 424