Journal of the Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers (1950-1954)

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fclv issued by the Society for 16mm ojical photographic track. The reIjnsibility for the formation and action finis task committee has been assigned |t[he writer. IK standard, therefore, has to be appived by the designated Engineering Inmittee and the Standards Comptee before the transmittal to the erican Standards Association for .1 action. Also publication in the frnal for comment is mandatory before 1 approval. Differences of opinion II reconciled within the Society before ftasing a proposed standard to the •>.A. Where a need exists for an inIitry understanding which cannot be •hived as a standard, a second and less Aiding action is taken, that of publish an SMPTE Recommended Practice, tich allows further study to be made of potential standard before final acotance as an American Standard. I Standardization for any sound track •y be divided into three interrelated lions. These, in the case of magnetic Ind track, are: A Dimensional Standards It. Dimension of coating and place nnt I (a) Fulltrack (100-mil) and placement (b) Half-track (50-mil) and placement, etc. •i Distance between picture and {jtching sound i). Side of film to which coating will [applied. Electrical Performance Standards . Frequency characteristics of repro :tion !. Intermodulation distortion film Test Film Standards . Multifrequency test film !. Speed steadiness film (flutter test 1) 3. Azimuth film 4. Buzz-track film 5. Magnetic head contact film Action has been taken on all of the preceding by committees of the Society although some time is involved in finalizing an end solution to each of the items listed. Current status is as follows : A. Dimensional Standards 1 (a) Physical dimensions and location of full-track (100-mil} magnetic coating on 16mm film. The Society's Committees have agreed to the dimensions and placement of full-track magnetic coating and action is now proceeding to formalize these understandings into a standard (PH.22.87, published in the July 1951 Journal for comment). 1 (b) . There has, as yet, been no decision reached as to preferred location of magnetic half-track (50-mii). The present situation is predicated upon the existence of a great quantity of photographic sound-track prints whereon the sound track has not been positioned accurately. This requires the magnetic striping to be placed over the photographic sound track in a position dictated by the off-substandard photographic track. 2. Distance between picture aperture and point at which magnetic track is scanned. This standard has been agreed upon and is now in the formalizing process of committee and is 26 frames between picture and matching sound. 3. Side of film to which magnetic coating will be applied. Due to the need for both photographic and magnetic reproduction facilities in the same equipment, and consequently the mechanical positioning needs for the two systems, it has been decided that the magnetic point of pickup of sound would be located opposite to the slit system and exciter lamp. (Normal placement of magnetic sound track on film shall be considered as on the side of the film surface facing the projector lamp.) E. W. D'Arcy: Standardization Needs 527