Journal of the Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers (1950-1954)

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"Model 25B Portable Magnetic Film Recorder," Harold L. Powell, Hallen Corp., Burbank, Calif. "Compacting a Field-Type Magnetic Film Sound Recorder," Otto Hangartner Jr., Magnasync, Chicago. "Model 477 16mm Optical-Magnetic Recording Projector," J. J. Graven, Ampro Corp., Chicago. "RCA Model 400 Magnetic Recorder Projector," W. G. Dwinell and R. T. Van Niman, RCA Victor Div., Camden, N.J. "Bell & Howell Model 202 Optical-Magnetic Sound Projector," M. G. Townsley, Bell & Howell Co., Chicago. "Simplified Stereophonic Sound," Richard H. Ranger, Rangertone Inc., Newark, N.J. "Fundamental Principles of Magnetic Recording," W. W. Wetzel, Minnesota Mining & Mfg. Co., St. Paul. "Panel Discussion With Audience Participation," with a panel ready to answer questions: Marvin Camras, E. W. D'Arcy, R. H. Ranger, M. G. Townsley and W. W. Wetzel. Comments received from members indicate that this type of meeting is wanted at least once a year. — James L. Wassell, Secretary-Treasurer, Central Section, 247 E. Ontario St., Chicago 11. ASLIB Aslib, formerly known as the Association of Special Libraries and Information Bureaux, was established in 1924 to facilitate the coordination and systematic use of information in commerce, industry and the academic world. It acts as an intelligence service for putting its members, who are all users of information, in touch with special and technical knowledge on every subject. The scope of Aslib's activities is indicated by the services it offers to members: the Information Bureau undertakes to find the right source for any information that is required within a short time; an index of unpublished translations is maintained as well as a panel of specialist translators ; help is given on all matters relating to documentation and many books, periodicals and reports may be borrowed from the library; the Document Reproduction Service supplies photocopies or microfilms of documents at reasonable rates; authoritative advice is given on establishing and developing information services and special libraries; an employment register of candidates and posts in information departments and special libraries is maintained for the use of members. Apart from these day-to-day activities and as part of a long-term policy, Aslib encourages the use and expansion of information services and special libraries by arranging training courses, holding meetings throughout the year, forming subject groups for workers in special fields and maintaining close and friendly contact with such bodies as UNESCO and the International Federation for Documentation, of which Aslib is the British member. Aslib publishes works of reference which include the forthcoming British Scientific and Technical Books: a select bibliography and the annual Index to Theses Accepted for Higher Degrees in the Universities of Great Britain and Ireland, but the principal means by which Aslib members are kept informed of the latest developments are by its three periodical publications. The Central Book Company, Inc., 261 Broadway, New York 7, N.Y., acts as agent for these in the U.S.A. The periodicals are: The Journal of Documentation, annual subscription $6, is a scholarly quarterly devoted to the recording, organization and dissemination of specialized knowledge and everything that is meant by the term "documentation"; Aslib Proceedings, annual subscription $6, also a quarterly, contains conference reports and papers given at Aslib meetings throughout the year; Aslib Book-List, annual subscription $3.50, is a monthly list of technical and scientific publications in the English language selected and recommended by specialists in each subject field. The offices of Aslib are at 4 Palace Gate, London, W.8, England. 742