Journal of the Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers (1950-1954)

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New Products Further information about these items can be obtained direct from the addresses given. As in the case of technical papers, the Society is not responsible for manufacturers' statements, and publication of these items does not constitute endorsement of the products. A new Bell & Howell Electronic Mixer and Volume Control is now available for users of the Filmosound 202 16mm magnetic recording projector. Designed to provide simple and accurate means of mixing sound signals from microphones, phonographs and tape recorders, four separate input channels permit their mixed use in any desired combination. There is an illuminated volume-level meter on the front panel for setting the recording level at any time. The meter is calibrated directly in volume units. A set of matching headphones is supplied as standard with the equipment which has a list price of SI 40. 00 and is now available from Bell & Howell dealers. A series of three pocket-size volt-ammeters, in a range that measures up to 1200 amp, is now available from the Pyramid Instrument Corp., Lynbrook, N.Y. These are "snap-around" type designed for measuring current without connecting to the conductor. Pointed jaws have been made for working in crowded switch and terminal boxes. The voltage test leads have been equipped with a newly designed retractible safety plug, and the probe jaws are completely insulated down to the sockets. Prices range from $49.50 to $67.50. 748