Journal of the Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers (1950-1954)

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Wig Woe Wiggin, Lyznan J., Chief Engineer, Reeves Sound Studios. Mail: 129 Front St., Freeport, L.I., N.Y. (A) Wight, Ralph W., Commercial Manager, Westrex Corp., 6601 Romaine St., Hollywood 38. (M) Wightman, William W., Electrical Design Engineer, Bell & Howell Co. Mail: 8317 Oriole Ave., Niles, Ill.(M) Wihtol, Constantine A., N.Y. Univ. Mail: 108-10 66 Ave., Forest Hills, N.Y. (S) Wilber, Norman F., Sales Manager, Wilber Visual Service, 119 State St., Albany 7, N.Y. (A) Wild, Georges A., Technical Manager, Cinegram Societe Anonyme, (S.A.). Mail: 12 Rue Carteret, Geneva, Switzerland. (M) Wiley, Gerald L., Motion-Picture Cameraman, USAF, 1st Photo Squadron, 200 King St., Alexandria, Va. (A) Wilkie, James W., President, Continental Machines, Inc., Savage, Minn. (A) Wilkinson, Frank H., Sound Technician, UniversalInternational Studio. Mail: 4956 Laurel Canyon Blvd., N. Hollywood. (A) Wilkinson, Irving James, Head, Editorial Dept., RKO Studios. Mail: 3617 Willowcrest Ave., N. Hollywood. (M) Wilkinson, James L., Motion-Picture Cameraman and Editor, Northrop Aircraft, Inc. Mail: 19161 Erwin St., Reseda, Calif. (A) Wilkinson, Lawrence A., TV Engineer, WTOP, Inc., Broadcast House, Washington 16, D.C. (A) Willard, Thomas W., President, Willard Pictures, Inc., 45 W. 45 St., New York 36. (A) Willey, Lyle E., Electrical Engineer, Box 1710, Hollywood 28. (M) Williams, Arnold, Nascreno House, Soho Sq., London W.I, England. (M) Williams, Carl S., Engineer, Army and Air Force Motion Picture Service. Mail: 237 Colgate Ave., Berkeley 8, Calif. (A) Williams, Charles Joseph, Cinetechnician, Foreman, Unicorn Theaters, Inc. Mail: 14841 Fox St., San Fernando, Calif. (A) Williams, David L., Supervisor, Commercial Engineering Laboratory, Lamp Div., Westinghouse Electric Corp., Bloomfield, NJ. (M) Williams, Douglas Owen, Sound Re-recording Engineer, Twentieth Century-Fox Studios. Mail: 1306 Princeton St., Apt. B, Santa Monica, Calif. (M) Williams, Eric, General Manager Baling Studios, Ltd., Wentworth Ave., Pagewood, Sydney, N.S.W., Australia. (M) Williams, F. D., 1040 N. McCadden PI., Hollywood 38. (M) Williams, Fred G., Assistant General Manager and VicePresident, Consolidated Amusement Co., Ltd., 25 Taylor St., Suite 706-8, San Francisco 2, Calif. (A) Williams, Howdy, L., Cameraman, 8021 Radford Ave., N. Hollywood. (M) Williams, Ivan E., Laboratory Technician, General Film Laboratory. Mail: 1203 Highland, Glendale 2, Calif. (A) Williams, J. Gordon, Transmission Engineer, Sound Services, Inc. Mail: 615 S. Reese PI., Burbank, Calif. (A) Williams, James S., Staff Asst., Public Relations Dept., Bell Telephone Co. of Pennsylvania, 1835 Arch St., Philadelphia 3, Pa. (A) Williams, John B., Sound and Projection Engineer, European Motion Picture Service, APO 807, % Postmaster, New York. (A) Williams, Marshall A., Regional Manager, Electronic Engineer, Philco Corp., Govt. & Industrial Div., 260 S. Beverly Dr., Beverly Hills, Calif. (M) Williams, Paul A., Maintenance Supervisor, KPIX, Inc. Mail: 341 Hazelwood Ave., San Francisco 12, Calif. (M) Williams, Richard M., Engineer, Cineffects, Inc. Mail: Porter Corners, N.Y. (M) vVilliamson, Harold G., Instrumentation Engineer, Vitro Corp. of America. Mail: 714 E. Pine St., Fort Walton Beach, Fla. (A) Williamson, Maj. T. H., 72 Warwick Gardens, Flat 3, London W.14, England. (A) Williford, E. Allan, President and General Manager, Link Aviation Co. Mail: 71 Matthews St., Bing hamton, N.Y. (F) Willig, William J., Chief Photographer, Develop ment Dept., United States Rubber Co., 4300 fl Haven Ave., Ft. Wayne, Ind. (A) Willis, John B., Game Protector, Washington St Dept. of Game. Mail: Chelan, Wash. (A) Willoughby, Anthony H., Consultant, Electri Engineer, Sir Robert Watson-Watt. Mail: 7 G fere St., Westminster, London, England. (A) I Wilner, John, Director of Engineering, Hei Corp., 2610 N. Charles St., Baltimore 18, Md.'J Wilschke, Elmer O., Operating Manager A] Service Corp., 161 Sixth Ave., New York 13. (1 Wilson, Albert, Motion-Picture Director, SM Corps Pictorial Center. Mail : 3086 33 St L I C 2, N.Y. (M) Wilson, Brown W., Sr., Motion-Picture Proj tionist, Inter-State Theaters. Mail: 2113 Polk! Apt. 4, Amarillo, Tex. (M) Wilson, Carlton F., ProducerDirect or, Impe Oil, Ltd. Mail: 4 Sutherland Dr., Lower 2<>, ' ronto, Ont., Canada. (M) Wilson, Fred R., Chief Sound Recording EngiĀ» Samuel Goldwyn Studio. Mail: 10519 Valley Spr La., N. Hollywood. (M) Wilson, H. A. McG., 29 Alberta St. Sydney, A tralia. (A) Wilson, Henry H., Service Manager, Ampro C< Mail: 810 S. 18 Ave., Maywood, 111. (M) Wilson, James V., Chief Engineer, Film Lalx tories of Canada, Ltd. Mail: 289 Forman A Toronto, Ont., Canada. (M) Wilson, Jimmy, Producer and Photograpl Jimmy Wilson Studios, 724 S. 29 St., Birminghs Ala. (M) Wilson, Ralph J., Field Test Engineer, San Corp. Mail: Box 199, Somis, Calif. (A) Wilson, Thomas S., Connecticut State Po MotionPicture Inspector. Mail: 100 Washing St., Hartford, Conn. (A) Wilson, Willett R., Chief Engineer, Photograp Lamp Section, Westinghouse Electric Corp. M 45 Glenbrook Rd., Morris Plains, NJ. (M) Wilt, Chester, Development Engineer, Eastn Kodak Co. Mail: 4007 St. Paul Blvd., Roche 17, N.Y. (A) Wilt, Maj. Thomas F., Communications Engia 681 W. Mahan St., Hazel Park, Mich. (A) Winans, L. E., Sound Engineer, Theatre Soi Service, Inc. Mail: 1176 S. Jackson, Denver, O (A) Winchester, Ted, Asst. Head, Photographic De RKO. Mail: 1704 S. Canfield Ave., Los Angeles (A) Winclair, Donald, 29 Flatbush Ave., Brooklyn N.Y. (A) Winkler, Ben, Sound Mixer, Radio Corp. of An ica. Mail: 11209 Emelita St., N. Hollywood. (A Winkler, Edward A., Chemical Engineer, Eastn Kodak Co., 342 Madison Ave., New York 17. ( Winkler, Robert A., 402 E. Houston St., New Y< (M) Winn, Curtis B., Field Representative, RCA S< ice Co. Mail: 2019 West Blvd., Los Angeles 16. ( Winter, A. Roane, Director, Winter Film En prises, 1034 E. Walnut Ave., Burbank, Calif. (, Winterman, Clemence, Managing Director, T< cal Film Co., Brent Laboratories, Ltd., N. Circi Rd., London N.W.2, England. (M) Wintringham, William T., Television Reseai Bell Telephone Laboratories, Inc. Mail: 56 E wood Ave., Chatham, NJ. (M) Wirth, Charles H., Manager, Instrumental Sales, N.Y. District, Ampex Corp. Mail: 78 Spring Garden Ave., Nutley 10, NJ. (A) Wise, Frank S., Free-Lance Film Producer, Td nician. Mail: 736 Ninth Ave., Salt Lake CiM Utah. (A) Wiseman, Edward Lindsay, Chief Engid Western Electric Co. (Australia) Pty., Ltd. M Box 3888 G.P.O., Sydney, N.S.W., Australia. (J Wissmann, Joseph, 530 E. Walnut St., Burbil Calif. (A) Witt, Harold A., Production Supervisor, Will Picture Productions, Inc. Mail: 1138 Patton Ai Arlington Hgts., 111. (M) Wittel, Otto, Mechanical Engineer, Eastman Kd Co., 333 State St., Rochester, N.Y. (A) Woehler, Henry A., Service Recorder, Hal Rq Studios. Mail: 9624 Braddock Dr., Culver (J Calif. (A) Woelfl, Robert H., Salesman, National The!