Jurisdictional disputes in the motion-picture Industry : hearings before a special subcommittee of the Committee on Education and Labor, House of Representatives, Eightieth Congress, first-session, pursuant to H. Res. 111 (1948)

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40 MOTION-PICTURE JURISDICTIONAL DISPUTES and Motion Picture Studio Carpenters, local 946 of the United Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners of America. Counsel has passed me a copy of that contract, and I will now ask that it be received in evidence as exhibit No. 6. (Exhibit No. 6 will be found in the appendix.) Mr. McCanx. Mr. Cobb has furnished me with a copy of a permit that has been furnislied by local lATSE. Is this the same thing from which I have already read a part into the record? Mr. CoRB. That is the one that he testified to before. Mr. McCann. I am gojng to ask that this be received into the record as an exhibit and assigned a number. Have you any objection? Mr. LuDDY. No. Mr. McCann. All right. I ask, Mr, Chairman, that this be received in evidence as exhibit No. 7. (Exhibit No. 7 will be found in the appendix.) Mr. McCann. Have you any further questions, Mr. Cobb ? Mr. Kearns. Mr. Counsel, could Mr. Cobb tell us the initiation fees into that union prior to the Mr. Cobb. I can ascertain the initiation fee in the painters' union. What is the amount of the initiation fee referred to in this contract? Mr. SoRRELL. Depends on the category of the person. If they are scenic artists, it is one thing, and if they are painters, that is another. Mr. McCann. Who is speaking, Mr. Cobb? Mr. Cobb. Mr. Sorrell. Mr. McCann. I w^ould rather, if we can avoid it, that we don't call on anyone in the audience to furnish information without first having their names given and having them under oath. Mr. Kearns. You will develop that then. Mr. McCann. When the time comes I will try to develop it, sir. I have two or three more questions to ask. Did you get a letter from Mr. Walsh shortly after the meeting of August 18? Mr. Katiane. Yes, sir. Mr. McCann. Will you please submit it to us, sir? Mr. Kahane. I think I have it here, a letter dated August 31. Mr. McCann. Mr. Chairman, this purports to be a letter from Richard F. Walsh, international president of the lATSE, dated August 31, 1946. Is there any objection to reading this, gentlemen? AvSSOCIATION OF IMOTION PICTURE PrODTICER.S. InC. 550// Hollywood Boulevard, Hollywood, Calif. Gentt.emen : I have received from President Green of tlie American Federation of Labor a communication inclosing a copy of a statement described as "clarification" of the decision in the Hollywood .inrisdictional dispute, made by Vice Presidents Knisht. Birthright, and Doherty. dated December 26, 1945. It is the contention of this international union that this so-called clarification was issued without authority and in violation of the Cincinnati agreement to which this International Alliance, yourselves, and the other international unions involved, were all parties. The Cincinnati agreement, in making provision for the creation of the three-man committee, specifically provided that the parties thereto accept the committee's decision as final and binding. If the committee's decision as originally rendered is not fully complied with by you, this International Alliance will take such action as may be necessary to protect its interests. Yours very truly, Richard F. Walsh, International President.