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Mr. Freeman. I don't know that there is any correspondence. I think that Mr, Dorn, who was on the Paramount lot during this period as the man in charge of that situation, can give you more of a picture of that tlian I can, because it was handled through him.
Mr. Kearns. Do j^ou have any further questions, Mr. Counsel?
Mr. McCann. No ; I have no further questions.
Mr. Cobb. Mr. Chairman, I made a facetious remark to Mr. Freeman, and intended it in all kindness. It miglit not read right in print. May I state for the record that I hold i\Ir. Freeman in very high esteem, and that I personally wish to thank him for his candor and frankness as a witness.
Mr. Freeman. Thank you, Mr. Cobb.
Mr. McCann. Mr. Chairman, may he be excused subject to call? I want to say for the record, Mr. Chairman, before the crowd begins to scatter, that this afternoon is going to be very largely made up of the reading of correspondence and telegrams from various union leaders to Mr. Casey. I thought that might keep some here from coming, and we might have more room.
Mr. Kearns. Adjourned to 2 o'clock.
(Whereupon, at 12 noon, a recess was taken until 2 p. m. of the same day.)
afternggn session
Mr. Kearns. The hearing will come to order. Mr. McCann. Mr. Casey, will you take the stand.
Mr. McCann. Mr. Casey, I would like to ask you if this file, consisting of letters and and telegrams, is composed of true copies of the correspondence which you have had with the officials enumerated therein and if they are accurate carbons and accurate copies of the originals received by you ?
Mr. Casey. Yes, sir.
Mr. McCann. We will proceed to read this record.
October 6, 1944. Mr. Richard F. Walsh,
Hollywood-Roosevelt Hotel
HoUyioood, Calif.
My Dear Richard : Herewith enclosed please find a copy of the wire sent to Mr. Lindelof yesterday and a copy of his reply. Kindest regards.
Sincerely yours, Pat Casey,
Chairman, Producers' Committee. Enclosures. PC/h
Mr. McCann. Attached to that letter are the following communications :
Copy of telegram as follows :
La Fayette, Ind. Pat Casey,
Chairm,an, Motion Picture Producers Committee.
Hollywood. Calif. :
Have wired Herb Sorrell requesting full particulars regarding strike per lengthy telegram received today, signed by Columbia. Paramount, Republic, Twentieth Century, Universal, and RKO Radio Pictures, Inc. According to telegram, controversy arose over jurisdictional dispute between local 1421 and