Jurisdictional disputes in the motion-picture Industry : hearings before a special subcommittee of the Committee on Education and Labor, House of Representatives, Eightieth Congress, first-session, pursuant to H. Res. 111 (1948)

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MOTION-PICTURE JURISDICTIONAL DISPUTES 549 bargaining agent for the carpenters' work in the studios. I ask tliat this notice be printed in the record at this point. Mr. Chairman, I would like to have counsel read this notice. Mr. McCann. Just one moment, Mr. Cambiano. ]Mr. Chairman, I see no reason why this copy, which I assume is an accurate copy of a notice of the filing of petition with the National Labor Relations Board, should not be received in the record and reproduced at this point. Mr. Kearns. That is agreeable to me. if you will prove that it is authentic. Mr. McCann. Are you confident, sir, that this is an accurate copy of the filing ? Mr. Cambiano. I am. Mr. Kearns. I think it should also be O. K.'d by a representative of the Labor Board here in Los Angeles. Mr. McCann. You don't question that, do you, Mr. Luddy ? Mr. LuDDT. No. I haven't read it, but I assume it is accurate. ]\Ir. Price. We have received a copy of such a notice. I have not looked at this one, but I assume it is correct. Mr. Kearns. Let's have it accurate, that is all. Mr. McCann. I think it is. (The document referred to is as follows:) National Labor Relations Board, Twenty-First Region, Los Angeles, Calif. Case No. 21-R-4086: 21-R-4087 ; 21-R-4088 In the matter of Columbia Pictures Corp. ; Paramount Pictures, Inc. ; Warner Bros. Pictures, Inc. ; Loew's Inc. ; Universal Pictures Co., Inc. : RKO Radio Pictures, Inc. ; Samuel Goldwyn Productions, Inc. ; Republic Productions, Inc. ; Hal E. Roach Studio, Inc.; Twentieth Century-Fox Film Corp.; Enterprise Studios and General Service Studios ; and International Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employees and Moving Picture Machine Operators of the United States and Canada. notice of filing of petition A petition for investigation and certification of representatives in this matter has been filed with this office. If your organization or any affiliated union claims an interest in this proceeding, it must submit to the field examiner by August 22. 1947. an alphabetical list of the employees in the unit set out below whom the organization asserting an interest claims to represent and must also submit evidence of interest among these employees which may consist of membership records, authorization or designation cards. If no evidence of interest is received .from intervening organizations by the prescribed date, we shall assume that any such organization does not desire to be a party to this proceeding. A conference between all parties of interest is being scheduled promptly. Any organization which has or intends to submit proof of its interest should telephone the field examiner to determine the date and time of any scheduled meetings. Howard LeBaron, Regional Director. This case is assigned to Field Examiner D. C. Sargent : telephone. Trinity 5071. The unit claimed by Petitioner to be appropriate: 21-R-40S6, set designers, sketch artists and illustrators ; 21-R-4087, painters, sign writers, screen artists — (scenic) ; 21-R-4088, carpenters, millwrights, wood-working machine men. Date mailed : August 14, 1947. Mr. Cambiano. Mr. Chairman, on two occasions in this hearing, I have had the pleasure of hearing you state your desire to bring about a settlement of the Hollywood difficulties during the present hearings. I appreciate this expression from you, not only for myself, but for the