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They chancre from one to the other. Possibly put of that number, I wonld say possibly 300 to 400 are men that have not worked steady and lots of them are retired, but in that amount the others had worked there off and on on various lots. They were not considered as regular employees, in most studios. I only give that number as an over-all number that might be involved at the time of the lay-off at that particular time.
Mr. McCann. The witness is excused.
Art Djerf.
Mr. Kearns. Do you solemnly swear the testimony which you are about to give to be the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, so help you God?
Mr. Djerf. I do.
Mr. Kearns. Take the chair.
Mr. McCann. Please state your name and address.
Mr. Djerf. Arthur Djerf. 4641 Laurel Canyon Boulevard, North Hollywood, Calif.
Mr. McCanx, Give your telephone number, please, sir.
Mr. Djerf. Sunset 2-2651.
Mr. McCann. What is your business or occupation ?
]Mr. Djerf. At which time ?
Mr. McCann. Now.
Mr. Djerf. Carpenter foreman.
Mr. ]McCann. You are a carpenter foreman. By whom are you employed ?
Mr. Djerf. At present ?
Mr. McCann. Yes.
My. Djerf. Hershberg & Sons.
]Mr. McCann. How long have j'ou been with them ?
Mr. Djerf. About 7 months.
JSIr. McCann. Where were you employed on the 23d of September 1946?
Mr. Djerf. Hal Roach studios.
Mr. McCann. How long had you been employed there ?
Mr. Djerf. Since 1926, except during the war period.
Mr. McCann. Were you in the service ?
Mr. Djerf. No, sir. The studio was taken over by the armed forces.
Mr. INIcCann. What did you do during that period ?
Mr. Djerf. I worked for Consolidated Steel Corp., building ships.
Mr. McCann. As a carpenter?
I\Ir. Djerf. No, sir.
Mr. ]McCann. As what?
Mr. Djerf. Shipwright superintendent.
Mr. McCann. Now, how many years did you work for Hal Eoach studios?
Mr. Djerf. '26 to '46. It would be 20, less about 3 years. About 17 years.
Mr. INIcCann. What was your job with Hal Roach studios at the time on September 23, 1946?
Mr. Djerf. Construction superintendent.