Jurisdictional disputes in the motion-picture Industry : hearings before a special subcommittee of the Committee on Education and Labor, House of Representatives, Eightieth Congress, first-session, pursuant to H. Res. 111 (1948)

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JURISDICTIONAL DISPUTES IN THE MOTION-PICTUEE INDUSTRY WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 27, 1947 House of Representatives, Special Subcommittee of the Committee on Education and Labor, Los Angeles^ Calif. The subcommittee met at 9 a. m., in room o2i, United States Post Office Building and Courthouse, Hon. Carroll D. Kearns (chairman of the subcommittee) presiding. Mr. Kearns. The hearing will come to order. ]Mr. McCann. Mr. Chairman, on yesterday a proposed stipulation was offered to Mr. Cobb by Mr. Price. I would like for Mr. Price to take the witness stand at this time. TESTIMONY OF PEERY PRICE— Recalled Mr. McCann. I am striking out of the stipulation the word "stipulation." Mr. Kearns. You have been sworn, Mr. Price % Mr. Price. Yes, sir. Mr. McCann. And striking out "It is hereby stipulated as follows." I am going to ask Mr. Price, who has already been sworn, to read that statement into the record, because I believe that it may eliminate a great deal of further testimony on the particular subject, and save Mr. Cobb from putting on witnesses to establish facts which are admitted therein. Will you proceed, Mr. Price ? Mr. Price (reading) : 1. On September 11, 1946, the producers were notified under circumstances already in evidence that members of carpenters local 946 would refuse to work on sets constructed on stages by members of lATSE on or after September 12, 1946. 2. On and after September 12, 1946, the producers did not comply with the demand of the carpenters, but on the contrary continued to allocate to lATSE members the work of erecting, building, or constructing sets on stages, exclusive of mill and trim work. 3. Until on or about September 2.1, 1946, the producers continued to allocate, to men 'hers of local 946 trim and mill work on sets on stages. Tlie carpenters continued to do such work on sets which had been erected prior to September 12. 1946. 4. On and after September 12, 1946, and until on or about September 22, 1946, in the norma] course of work assignment, some carpenters were placed on work schedules which would have reqiiired them to do mill or trim work on sets erected, built, or constructed by members of lATSE on or after September 12. All or substantially all of the carpenters so assigned refused to do the work, and for that reason were separated from their employment or directed to leave the studio. f). By September 22, 1946, most of the sets on studio stages which had been erected, built, or constructed by members of lATSE prior to September 12 had been trimmed and completed. 657 67383— 48— vol. 1 43