Jurisdictional disputes in the motion-picture Industry : hearings before a special subcommittee of the Committee on Education and Labor, House of Representatives, Eightieth Congress, first-session, pursuant to H. Res. 111 (1948)

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MOTION-PICTURE JURISDICTIONAL DISPUTES 681 time by giving written notice of such change to the other parties. All notices required herein shall be deemed sufficient if sent by telegram or registered mail. X. Nothing contained in this agreement shall require either party to do or perform any act, or to refrain from doing or performing any act which is contrary to any present or future law or governmental regulation ; and if any l>art of this agreement shall during the term hereof be declared or adjudged unlawful by any lawful authority, then such part shall for all purposes of this agreement be void and of no effect, but the remainder of this agreement shall continue to be and remain in full force and effect. Emplover : The William H. Pine Corp., By "(S) William H. Pine, Pics. 5746 Sunset Boulevard, Los Angeles, Calif. I. A. T. S. E. AND M. P. M. O., By (S) Roy M. Brewer, Int. Rep. Mr. McCaxx. Xow, tell lis the story of what took place that led to this contract, sir. Mr. Darstein. As I testified before, until 6 months ago we operated, I would sa}', in great harmony between the carpenters and set erectors and painters. After that time, we were contacted and we were given to understand in the future we could not operate as we had in the past. We had to use strictly lA help, which meant lA painters, carpenters, and whatever crafts were in dispute at that time. Mr. McCaxx. Who gave you to understand that? Mr. Darsteix. Mr. Brewer by telephone. Mr. McCaxx. What did he say would happen if you didn't do it? Mr. Darsteix". He said if we do not get rid of the men that belong to the CSU, we would not be serviced any longer by the lA. Mr. McCaxx^. You were not to receive any service from the lA? Mr. Darsteix'. That is correct. Mr. McCaxx. Now. that meant then that the relationship which had existed until 6 months ago, which was pleasant Mr. Darsteix. Yes. Mr. McCaxx. And' agreeable and harmonious between management and the CSU unions were terminated by reason of a mandate from Mr. Brewer? Mr. Darsteix. That is correct, except that after several meetings, Mr. Thomas — I wasn't present at that meeting — came to an agreement with Mr. Brewer that we could finish the two pictures, because we had certain commitments with actors at that time, and with the provision we would employ an lA superintendent in addition to the superintendent we already had, and have had for the last 3 or 4 years. Mr. McCaxx. Can you identify this letter, sir, which is passed to you? Mr. Darsteix. Yes, sir ; I have seen a copy of this letter before. I understand that a copy of this letter went out to all lA crafts working in the independent studios. Mr. McCaxx. I would like to see that now. Mr. Chairman, we are reading from a letter dated June 28. 1947, signed by James L. Noblitt, recording secretary, lATSE and MPMO, local 80, Hollywood. Deab Brother INIember: Immediately upon receipt of this letter, you will cease to service any independent production, or independent studio starting a new picture, without first obtaining permission from this office. Any violation of the above will result in serious charges, and you will please adhere to the above order, in compliance with the bylaws of our International, article one, section one.