Jurisdictional disputes in the motion-picture Industry : hearings before a special subcommittee of the Committee on Education and Labor, House of Representatives, Eightieth Congress, first-session, pursuant to H. Res. 111 (1948)

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MOTION-PICTURE JURISDICTIONAL DISPUTES 1291 Mr. McCann. What was done and when was it done with respect to the teamsters local that took in these niana<ji:ers? Mr. Tuoiiy. In ^Nlarch, somewhere in the latter part of March. Mr. McCann. What was done about it, did they continue as a local? Mr. TuoiiY. Yes; I think for about a month or so when I acted as secretary of the oeneral council, their delegates attended one or two of the joint meetings after the discussions I had had with Mr. Brewster, when that was brought to light that they were given a charter. Mr. JNIcCann. It was in March that these conferences took place; it was in April that Mr. Skouras and Mr, Schenck offered you this position ^ Mr. TroiiY. That is right. INIr. McCann. When did joii consummate j^our contract with the studios with respect to your local there? Mv. Tuoiiy. Either August or September of 1946. JSIr. McCann. Couldn't you give us a definite date? Mr. TuoHY. Xo; those dates are a little hazy to me now. Mv. McCann. When did you actually go on the pay roll of the studio ? Mr. TroHY. January 1, 1947. JSIr. McCann. But the contract had been consummated in either August or September ? Mr. TuoHY. Yes, sir. Mv. ^SIcCann. Could you tell us whether it was the first of August or the last of August, or the first of September, or when it was ? Mr. TuoHY. Xo; I cannot give the exact date. Those dates have slipped my mind. Mr. McCann. I am going to refer to an article which appears in Variety, Hollywood, Calif., May 16, 1946. I would like to read this and give jon a chance to comment on it if there is anything further vou want to add to jouv statement. It is entitled, "Managers' Union Beefs on 'Sell-out' to Fox-WC." Status of Teamsters' Affiliated Union of Fox West Coast Theater Managers and Assistants became more clonded this week with the naming of .Josepli Tuohy as industrial-relations director for National Theaters. Managers' union known as Theatrical Services, Drivers, and Helpers local 266 charged Tuohy appoint- ment was an engineered deal against the local's best interest and have started move to oust Ray Lahaney as teamsters' trustee for local 266. Protest has been sent to Dan Tobin, president of the International Brotherhood of Teamsters, charging that naming of Tuohy to the newly created post was engineered in a secret deal between I.^ihaney and Charles P. Skouras, National Theaters presi- dent, without knowledge or sanction of the teamsters or local 266. Protest to Tobin. Wire to Toliin signed by James .T. Moran, local 266 secretary, charges Lahaney with failing to properly and uncompromisingly represent the managers as trustee in negotiating with Fox West Coast and National Theaters subsidi- ary, and cites the asserted secret deal with Skouras as an example. Claim is made that Tuohy set-up is a sell-out of the union. Wire stated: "We do not believe you granted us a charter a scant 8 weeks ago, only to see us sold down the river now," and asked Tobin on advice on the next move to be taken by the local. Wire cites instances of unsuccessful attempts to contact Lahaney, who is also public-relations head for teamsters to get a clarification of local 266's status. Fox West Coast had no connnent to make on the Tuohy position, nor tlie pi-otest by the managers. It is known that managers' union activities past months has given circuit many headaches, even resulting in transfiT of one top executive to a new post. Labor-relations department has been needed by the circuit for some time in handling negotiations with various crafts such as projectionists, drivers,