Jurisdictional disputes in the motion-picture Industry : hearings before a special subcommittee of the Committee on Education and Labor, House of Representatives, Eightieth Congress, first-session, pursuant to H. Res. 111 (1948)

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MOTION-PICTURE JURISDICTIONAL DISPUTES 1323 the machinists liad in there which tliey had taken without any agree- ments. The work he talked about in the m()tion-i)icture booth, he never had any agreement with the lATSE Avhereby he couki go into the motion-picture booths and set up and take down machines and where he could do running repairs on it. He had no agreement with the lATSE where he could go into the laboratories and oil machines which Ave worked on and repair machines. That was all in dispute. That was the trouble Avith Mr. BroAvn, He did not really know Avhat the dispute Avas. Mr. Kearxs. Then it Avas not segregated in one spot ? Mr. Wat.sh. Absolutely not. Mr. Kearns. Does that clear up your question ? Mr. Oaa'ens. I do not knoAv the facts, but it certainly hits the point I was trying to bring out, so there is no use examining this man on that until he comes back to cover other points, because he has cleared that point. Mr. Kearns. All right. XoAv. Mr. Brown, do 3'ou want to take the stand again or do you want your representatives to appear? Mr. Broavn. There is something I would like to add. Mr. Kearxs. All right, sir. TESTIMONY OF HARVEY W. BROWN—Resumed Mr. Broavx. I was not very attentive Avhen Mr, Walsh Avas testify- ing, but I Avant to make this further statement. It might be repeti- tion, but I want to be certain it is in the record. In the light of the information furnished me by our Hollywood business representative, the lA never filed as a dispute any machinists' Avork in those booths. Members of the machinists' union always took doAA'n those machines, replaced them, made all the repairs, made the repairs in the booths excepting temporary emergency I'unning repairs. I Avant the record to shoAv that because there was no dispute if another union claimed it, because they put men on jobs behind the picket line. Of course, that is another matter. Mr. Kearxs. Mr. Brown, I think Mr. Walsh definitely stated the only reason why he was able to move in and claim that as a jurisdic- tion Avas because you had AvithdraAvm or been put out of the A. F. of L. and he could moA'e in and take it OA^er; isn't that correct? Mr. Levy. That wasn't all his words Mr. Oavex's. Just a minute, judge, please. He said more than that, Mr. Chairman. He said this group never at any time liad an arrange- ment. There were a half dozen different things. The fallacy of Mr. Brown's statement, if I might say it, is that he is testifying from hearsay, whereas the other gentleman Avas speaking from direct knoAvl- edge of the facts. I am certain you Avould have to pay more attention to that. That point is covered. We have covered the point you were not al)le to give us. That takes us to the next })oint. After this decision was rendered in December what, if anything, did vou do in January during the next 80 days with respect to that direc- tiA^e of the Board? Mr. Bkoavn. FolloAving the issuance of the directive? Mr. OwEXs. Yes.