Jurisdictional disputes in the motion-picture Industry : hearings before a special subcommittee of the Committee on Education and Labor, House of Representatives, Eightieth Congress, first-session, pursuant to H. Res. 111 (1948)

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1474 MOTION-PICTURE JURISDICTIONAL DISPUTES We did not liave to report back to anyone, Mr. Chairman and mem- bers of this committee. Mr. Landis. Is the length of the time set forth in that directive''^ Mr. DoHERTY. Yes; it states it very definitely. Here it is in point No. 4. Maybe it would be best if I read the whole directive. Mr. Keakns. It is already in. Mr. DoHERTY. Well, for Congressman Landis' information it is in point No. 4: That after the expiration of 30 days, a committee of three members of the executive council of the American Federation of Labor shall investigate and determine within 30 days all jurisdictional questions still involved. I think it is very clear and concise. Mr. Kearns. The point I would like to clear up, Mr. Doherty, in Mr. Hutcheson's testimony is that after writing President Knight of the three-man committee that he could not be present, he claims, according to the testimony, that he wired Mr. Cambiano to extend any courtesy to the committee as to the carpenter situation on the coast, but with the understanding that they were not representing the inter- national and that the committee would hear the president of the inter- national pertaining to this situaion before making their final report In the testimony we had at Los Angeles under oath, Mr. Cambiano testified that he in no way represented the international president. In your statement that you took out there, or in the testimony, you do not show any place whereby Mr. Cambiano is there merely assisting the committee, and not representing the United Brotherhood of Car- penters and Joiners. Mr. Doherty. Mr. Cambiano, along with Mr. Skelton, submitted voluminous testimony and exhibits. That file, I believe, is still with your committee, is it not ? Mr. Kearks. That is right, sir. Mr. Doherty. May I have the carpenters' file right now? Mr. Kearns. Do you have it here ? Mr. Doherty. I have not seen it since last August, and I do not like to quote from memory in a case like this. Mr. McCann. I will have to get it from the office. Mr. Owens. While he is looking for that, I think the point the chairman is bringing out is whether Mr. Cambiano ever told you that he was not there representing the carpenters in an official capacity. Mr. Doherty. Well, it is in his statement. Congressman Owens, that nothing final or conclusive was to be done until such time as our committee went back to the international president of the carpenters. I would like to have the actual verbiage out of the report. Mr. Owens. There is nothing in that 75 pages that will show you that, Mr. Doherty. Mr. Doherty. I think there is. Mr. Owens. It might be in some parts of the earl}^ testimony that I did not look at. Mr. Doherty. I think you will find it right on the front page. Mr. Kearns._ The point Mr. Hutcheson raised, Mr. Doherty, was that he had written Mr. Knight that he wanted to be heard either in Washington, Chicago, or some other place. It seems to me the tech- nical point here is whether or not Mr. Cambiano was the official repre-