Jurisdictional disputes in the motion-picture Industry : hearings before a special subcommittee of the Committee on Education and Labor, House of Representatives, Eightieth Congress, first-session, pursuant to H. Res. 111 (1948)

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1510 MOTION-PICTURE JURISDICTIONAL DISPUTES Wednesday Morning, May 22, 1946. Meeting called to order at 10: 20 a. m., President Green in the chair. Present: Green, Hutcheson, Woll, Weber, Bugniazet, Bates, Knight, Doherty, Dubinsky, Meany. Absent: Harrison, Tobin, Mahon, Birthright. Lewis. The council resumed consideration of <^he protest of the United Brotherhood of Carpenters against acceptance of the decision of the executive council on the Hollywood jurisdictional dispute. Vice President Hutcheson offered a motion that the council comply with the request of the United Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners of America by declaring that they recognize the jurisdiction of the United Brotherhood of Car- penters and Joiners of America as set forth in the constitution o*f the brotherhood and the proceedings of various conventions of the American Federation of Labor. Vice President Knight, of the Hollywood committee, stated this directive and the decisions made by the committee applied only to Hollywood. He contended that if this action is taken here others will want the same treatment. Vice President Bugniazet made a statement in wliich he pointed out that all parties agi'eed to abide by the decision. He stated he was asked why he agreed to such a procedure and that he had been criticized for agreeing to it. Vice President Hutcheson contended that this is just a case of whether the council wants to recognize the jurisdiction of the United Brotherhood or not. After some further discussion, an amendment was offered to the motion to provide, further, that this action does not interfere with the decision handed down by the Hollywood jurisdictional committee. Secretary-Treasurer Meany contended that if the lATSE is going beyond the decision and going into the carpenters' field, that would present an entirely new case and if that is the case he would favor bringing in President Walsh before the council for a hearing. Vice President Hutcheson stated that the delegates to the convention of the United Brotherhood felt that the general president had been slighted by this committee by their failure to hear him. Vice President Doherty denied that there was intention on the part of this committee to slight the general president. Vice President Knight I'epeated his assertion that it was his understanding that Representative Cambiano of the carpenters appeared in behalf of the brotherhood and stated tliat he presented a very fine case. He referred also to the fact that a deci.sion had to be rendered within 30 days, and President Hutche- son had suggested that the meeting with him in Miami, in which case the com- mittee vrould not liave been able to have rendered its decision in accordance with the time limit set in the directive. Vice President Hutcheson stated that the executive board of the carpenters reconvenes tomorrow in tlieir recessed session and he expects to report back to the board whatever this council does for whatever further action the board sees fit to take. President Green suggested that the matter go over for the present until all members of the council can be in attendance at a meeting and then go into the matter, assemble more facts, and make a further survey of the situation at Hollywood and then let the council consider it again at the next meeting. It was suggested that Vice President Bates' first motion be amended to read as follows: It was regularly moved that the chairman convey to Eric Johnston the charges made by the carpenters that the personnel directors of the studios are displacing the carpenters and giving the carpenters' work to the members of the lATSE contrary to the decision made by the committee that was appointed to settle this dispute, and that he had agreed to see that the decision of the committee was carried out by the studios and request him to investigate the matter and carry out the decision and see that it is done; and (addition to the original motion) that we postpone further consideration until a future meeting of the council, and in the meantime authorize the executive officers to go into the situation to correct the jurisdictional mistakes that are being made and make a survey of the matter and then report back to the council. Vice President Hutcheson contended that the brotherhood does not request that at all. The council discussed the matter further.