Jurisdictional disputes in the motion-picture Industry : hearings before a special subcommittee of the Committee on Education and Labor, House of Representatives, Eightieth Congress, first-session, pursuant to H. Res. 111 (1948)

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CONTENTS VII Excerpts not indexed above, see under principal classification. Exhibits. {SeeCohh.) Fact-Finding Committee on Un-American Activities in California : Communist-controlled organizations referred to in report : Page American Youth for Democracy 1556 Labor's Non-Partisari League 1551 League of American Writers 1626 Motion Picture Democratic Committee 1549 National Federation for Constitutional Liberties, Southern California Branch 1553, 1555 United American Spanish Aid Committee 1555 Excerpts from report of the 1549-1557 Testimony of Howard Rushmore before the, excerpts from 1625-1626 Federal Bureau of Investigation, report from the, relative to signatures of Herbert K. Sorrell 2280 Freed, Emil, Communist Party candidate for Congress from Fifteenth Congressional District of California, record of 1552 Grirs' local 80, a'^reement with carpenters' local 946 relative to distribution of work, effective November 13, 1945 (Cobb exhibit G) 2192 Harris, John, excerpt from testimony of, before Committee on Un-American Activites in California 2407 Hinst, Paul, statement and testimony of 1683-1691 Honor certificate issued to John R. Robinson by Marine Engineers Beneficial xVssoeiation 2381 How M-G-M Bought Up Entire Culver City Police Force (article from Hollywood Sun and affidavit of Rex L. Zimmerman, former police officer )_ 2159-2161 Hutcheson. \YiIliam L., statement and testimony of 1577-1585 Hynes, Capt. William F., excerpts from testimony of, before Committee on Un-American Activities in California 2400-2404 Independent motion-picture companies, list of 2171-2172 IBEW, local 40, jurisdictional agreement with lATSE local 695, effective January 15. 1948 1j632-1634 Independent Motion Picture Producers Association, interim agreement with unions, effective June 29, 1946 (Cobb exhibit E) 2189-2190 Informational Bulletin No. 1, issued by lATSE, excerpt from 1558 Information from files of House Committee on Un-American Activities relative to Communist affiliations of Herbert K. Sorrell— 2360-2361, 2365-2370 Instructions to department heads, excerpts from 2178 Intercity telephone conference. {See Telephone conference, etc.) Interim agreement between carpenters and major producing companies, effective July 2, 1946, known as the treaty of Beverly Hills (Cobb exhibit D) 2186-2188 Interim agreement between unions and Independent Motion Picture Producers Association, effective June 29, 1946 (Cobb exhibit E) 2189-2190 Intermediate report of NLRB in hearing involving producers and Lodge 1185, lAM. excerpts from 2083-2090 International Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employees, etc. : Agreement of February 5, 1925, with U. B. of C. and J. of A. relative to distribution of work (excerpt from Cobb exhibit H) 1592 Agreement with producers, effective August 15, 1947 (Cobb exhibit Q) 2198-2200 Application to NLRB for certification as bargaining agent (Cobb exhibit P) 2198 Charges filed before National Labor Relations Board against, on behalf of individual members of carpenters' local 946 2165-2183 Dismissal of charges, excerpts from 2201, 2202 Informational Bulletin No. 1, excerpt from 1558 Jurisdictional settlement agreement of January 15, 1948, with local 40, IBEW 1632-1634 Letter to members of local 80 from James L. Noblitt, recording secretary, relative to cessation of service at independent studios (Cobb exhibit O) ■ 2197 Report of President George E. Browne to 1940 lATSE convention. excerpts from 2029-2030 Resolution presented to 1940 convention 1870 Statement of general executive board to 1945 convention 2352-2355