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3. The Internationals' Committee and the Producers' Committee shall each appoint or select a secretary or some other agent designated for the purpose who have an office in Los Angeles. Grievances, requests or other matters arising out of the agreement which have failed of immediate adjustment at any studio shall be reported by each side to its own secretary or agent, who shall confer with the secretary or agent of the other side. Each secretary or agent shall make av independent inquiry into the facts and report them to the chairman of his committee with his suggestions or recommendations.
4. The chairman jointly may ox'der a hearing on any subject either before or after it has been brought to the attention of the full Committees, to be held at such place and time and by such person or persons representing their Committees as they may decide. Any person atfected by the decision of sucli person or persons shall have the right of appeal to the Committees for their further action.
5. Each Committee may make its own rules as to alternates and other matters affecting its own organization or functions.
6. Additions to or amendments of the rules may be made from time to time by the joint action of a majority of each Committee by vote or agreement in writing. Any of the foregoing rules or any rule hereafter adopted may be cancelled and thereby made of no further affect by vote or, written agreement of, a majority of eitlier Committee, notice of the same being given in writing to the Chairman of the other Committee.
Exhibit C
Notice — Union Agreements
A meeting was held in New York December 8 between representatives of the Unions signatory and the Producers signatory to the Basic Agreement at which the following agreements were reached :
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8. At the meeting in New York December 8, 1935, between the representatives of the Unions signatory and the Producers signatory to the Basic agreement, it was decided that all employees working under the jurisdiction of the following International Unions would work under closed shop conditions : American Federation of Musicians. International Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employees and Moving Picture
Operators of the United States and Canada. International Brotherhood of Electricians. United Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners of America. United Brotherhood of Teamsters, Chauffeurs, Stablemen and Helpers of America.
Therefore, effective January 2, 1936, every employee in a .Studio working under the jurisdiction of these above International Unions shall have to carry a card In his respective Union.
Pat Casey, Chairman, Producers' Committee.
Exhibit D
Producers Committee
Pat Casey, Chairman
July 2, 1946. Mr. Herbert K. Sorrell,
President, Conference of Studio Unions,
^151 West Fifth Street, Los Angeles 5, Calif. My Dear Herb : Pending the completion of contracts between the individual unions, members of the CSU, and the major studios, these minutes (copy attached herewith) shall constitute an Interim Agreement. Sincerely yours,
(Signed) Pat Casey,
Pat Casey, Chairman Prod^icers Committee. Enclosure.