Jurisdictional disputes in the motion-picture Industry : hearings before a special subcommittee of the Committee on Education and Labor, House of Representatives, Eightieth Congress, first-session, pursuant to H. Res. 111 (1948)

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2196 MOTION-PICTURE JURISDICTIONAL DISPUTES Working Card authorizes, designates, and chooses the said Labor Organization to negotiate, bargain collectively, present, and discuss grievances with the above employer as his representative and sole, executive collective, bargaining agency in all respects. The undersigned agrees to abide by the Constitution and ByLaws, decisions, rules, regulations, and working conditions of Local 468 of the lATSE and MPMU of U. S. and Canada. The undersigned will surrender this Emergency Working Card and the position held thereunder upon demand of Local 468. It is recognized that the issuailce and acceptance of this Emergency Working Card does not entitle the undersigned to membership in Local 468 or to any rights against or within said Union. (Agreed to) Elzyn Snow. Exhibit L American Federation op Labor [Letterhead] Washington, D. C, August 27, 1946. Mr. Richard F. Walsh, President, International Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employees <& Moving Picture Machine Operators oj U. S. and Canada, 630 Fifth Avenue, New York 20, N. Y. Dear Sir and Brother : I enclose copy of a statement of clarification prepared by Vice Presidents Knight, Birthright, and Doherty of the American Federation of Labor, who rendered a decision in the jurisdictional disputes in the motionpicture studios at Hollywood, California, dated December 26, 1945. Said statement is self-explanatory and is transmitted to you as a matter of information. It is sent you by direction of the Executive Council of the American Federation of Lahor. Fraternally yours, (Signed) Wm. Grjeen. President, American Federation of Labor. Exhibit M August 31, 1946. Association of Motion Picture Producers, Inc., ■')504 Hollyirood Boulevard, Hollywood 2S, California. Gentlemen : I have received from President Green of the American Federation of Labor a communication inclosing a copy of a statement described as "clarification" of the decision in the Hollywood Jurisdictional dispute, made by Vice Presidents Knight, Birthi-ight and. Doherty dated Decemlter 26, 194.5. It is the contention of this International Union that this so called "clarification" was issued without authority and in violation of the Cincinnati Agreement to which this Inernational Alliance, yourselves, and the other International Unions involved were all parties. The Cincinnati Agreement in making provision for the creation of the three man committee, specifically provided that the parties thereto accept the Committee's decision as final and binding. If the Committee's decision as originally rendered is not fully complied with by you this International Alliance will take such action as may be necessary to protect its interests. Yours very truly, (Signed) Richard F. Walsh. International President.