Jurisdictional disputes in the motion-picture Industry : hearings before a special subcommittee of the Committee on Education and Labor, House of Representatives, Eightieth Congress, first-session, pursuant to H. Res. 111 (1948)

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MOTION-PICTURE JURISDICTIONAL DISPUTES 2197 Exhibit N [lATSE seal] [lATSE seal] Inteknational Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employes and Moving Picture Machine Operators of the United States and Canada international building, C,:\0 fifth AVE., new YORK 20, N. Y. Affiliated with tlie American Federation of Labor Telephones: Circle 5(4370) (4371) (4372) New York 20, N. Y., September 13, 1946. To all Hollywood Studio Local Unions of the lATSE and the members thereof: I have been informed that certain Unions not affiliated with the lATSE may establish stoppages, strikes, boycotts, or picket lines at the Hollywood Stndios, or some of them. By virtue of my authority as International President, and pursuant to authorization of the General Executive Board, and in accordance with the mandate of the last Convention of the lATSP], I hereby officially notify you : 1. That such stoppages, strikes, boycotts, and picket lines are in direct opposition to the best interests of the lATSE, its Local LTnions, and its membership and are not in any way to be recognized, honored, or supported by you, and you are not in any way to refuse to render service because of tlieuL 2. That until the end of tiie Hollywood Studio emergency, as determined by the General Office, you are not to observe any trade jurisdictional lines in the Hollywood Studios; except that you ai'e not to deem this an authorization to work in the jurisdiction of any local union whose members are not engaged in any stoppage, strike, boycott, or picketing. 3. That the finished product of these Studios bears the label of the lATSE, and it is my duty to protect that label and that product for the best interests of the lATSE as a whole, its Local L'nions, and memliership. 4. That no other organization shall be permitted, directly or indirectly, to infringe upon the jurisdiction of the lATSE or its Local Unions in the Hollywood Studios; and that the employment of the members thereof shall not be interfered with or adversely affected. 5. That the source of supply for the amusement industry throughout the United States and Canada shall not be interfered with, and the employment of lATSE members throughout these countries shall not be adversely affected. 6. That International Representative Roy M. Brewer is hereby authoriz?d and directed to carry out the foregoing and to implement the same as in his judgment the circumstances warrant. (Signed) Richard F. Walsh, (utrrnational President. Interiiafioiial Alliance Theatrical Stage Emploi/es and Moving Picture Machine Operators of the United States and Canada. Exhibit O June 26, 1947. Dear Brother Member ; Immediately upon receipt of this letter, you will cease to service any independent production, or independent studio starting a new picture, without first obtaining permission from this office. Any violation of the above will result in serious charges, and you will please adhere to the above order in compliance with the By-Laws of our International, Article One, Section One. Cooperatively yours, /s/ James L. Noblitt, Rrc. Sectij., lATSE d MPMO.. U. S. d Canada. Local #80, Hollywood, Calif.